
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Coconut Bark for Christmaspalooza

Hi folks. Just a quickie post as I am running around like, well... a lunatic today. I have pizza dough going in both the bread machines, tacos cooking up for lunch, might make either pizza or roast for dinner (still deciding) making a cool garlic bread for later, plus doing some baking for an upcoming post. Plus need to head out to see horsey so yup, crazed. All this has to be done before 8 pm tonight as it's the Survivor finale. I never miss Survivor, especially the finale. Needless to say I've packed too much into a day as per usual. Thank the heavens for Pepsi, amen sistah!

I took yesterday off other than popping up a quick post. I just needed a day off. So forgive me for lack of commenting if you're a fellow blogger. Sometimes you just need a day to do other things. I went up to see my aunt who is in palliative care. Had not been up in quite some time. She slept the whole time I was there. I was able to visit with my cousin who is there pretty much around the clock. My heart hurts for him, I know how hard this is to do after caring for my father when he was terminal. It was an emotional day but I am glad I went. Sometimes you just need to put yourself out there for other people. I adore my cousin and am glad I took the time to stop in. Hard to see my aunt so frail, I hope she is at peace soon.

Hope everyone is ready for Christmas. We are NOT! Not even a little. No tree, house not decorated, shopping not done. Yup, total slackers. I think the plan is tomorrow. Now that the kids are done school we can get things done. I think we'll finish shopping during the day then go get the tree late afternoon. We always have a nice big dinner the day we do the tree so maybe a roast or chicken would be fun. Will take pics I promise.

Okay so later today I have a fantastic FUN WITH JARS FRIDAY for you. It took me awhile to put this one together so it's going up late. Will be up by days end. I also have SLOW COOKER SATURDAY for you later tonight. Then a fabulous ICE CREAM SUNDAYS by days end as well. This one is really good. I am so excited to show you. This week I have some really incredible Christmas traditions to share with you.  One will blow you mind.

Alrighty roo I am off to get stuff done. Enjoy your day, and make some bark!!!

Cuckoo for Coconut Bark:


12 ounces of semi sweet chocolate
1 teaspoon coconut extract
3/4 to 1 cup shredded coconut


Bring some water to a boil in a pot. Lower it to a simmer and place a heat proof glass bowl over top of the water but no touching it.

Now add your chocolate to the bowl.

Stir often until all the chocolate melts.

Add the coconut extract after removing the bowl from the heat.

Stir well, then pour into an 8 x 8 parchment lined pan.

Toss the coconut over top.

Pop it in the fridge to set. Takes an hour or two.

Remove from fridge and either break apart by hand or cut it. I prefer rough edges so I break by hand.

Can be given away as gifts or eaten up all my your little old self.


My other Christmas baking posts for your viewing pleasure:

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. I absolutely adore chocolate bark and this recipe in particular looks soo yummy! Haven't had it with coconut flakes yet but will add some to the bark I make for my family. Have a good one Kim! =]

  2. oooo, a Barking Mounds bar. I could eat a few tons of this... and then need more fat girl pants thanks to you...AGAIN :-P

  3. Love the idea of a coconut bark - I have not done a lot of baking with coconut so far this holiday season so this is wonderful inspiration!

  4. How come we can (il)legally :D download music but not food ? hahahaha Will have some of that now please ?!!!

  5. You are doing awesome with your Christmaspalooza!

  6. Great idea using the coconut! Looks delicious!

  7. Good luck getting everything done by next week! Thanks for sharing the bark through the madness. It's fantastic.

  8. Yummy! Coconut and chocolate flavours make a great combination and they are loved by my family. Thanks for posting this recipe.

  9. You ARE running around like a lunatic! Busy and posting like mad! I hope you get the tree up soon and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  10. @Kym- Thanks so much my dear. You must give this one a try. Hope you and your sweetie are all settled into the new place and rocking the Christmas decor!

    @Janet- I am determined to keep us in fat girl pants till the new year. As long as we fit through doors we are doing okay.

    @Kelly- Thank you so much. You are so sweet. Hope you make some coconuty goodness soon.

    @Anne- That made me giggle like crazy. It's so good and easy. Thanks so much for coming by.

    @Marina- Aw, thanks my dear!

    @Happy When Not Hungry- Thank you so much. I love me some coconut!

    @Christiane- Omg I am about to have a nervous breakdown. I need a clone stat. I fear the worst. Lol! Thanks so much, I love bark and it's so easy to make.

    @easyfoodsmith- Thank you so much. Your family is right on the money. I think chocolate and coconut should just be grown together to save me time. Lol!

    @Ann- I am losing it at this point. Lol!I fear the tree is never happening. C got called to work a day tomorrow, and he gets done at 3, home around 4 but K has to work at 5. Ya, tree, don't think so. *sigh*

  11. Wow, look at you superwoman! I'm tired just reading all of the things you have going on. I know what you mean about a deadline before a tv show. Anything that doesn't get done before Real Housewives, isn't going to get done :) The bark looks great, I love coconut and chocolate!

  12. Now, THAT's my kind of bark!! Imagine a drooling heap over here in Germany!!


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