
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Better Than Milky Way Bars: Guest Post by That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Hi folks. I have a very special treat for you today. A very special, sugary, oh so yummy treat in fact. The best part is it was made by the talented and delightful Liz from That Skinny Chick Can Bake. I adore her so very much, in fact we have a deal that she is going to adopt me. I'm just waiting for a bedroom to free up then I am packing my bags. Pay no mind to the fact that we're about the same age. She's probably younger than me. I am still moving in though. A deal's a deal. No take backs. 

I am thrilled to have Liz here at the asylum and I hope you all make her feel most welcome. She is a rare gem amongst the foodie community. For those who love food, and love sweets this is your go to gal. She always impresses, she is forever kind and she's my adopted Mama. So say hello and prepare to have your jaw drop!

I'm thrilled to be guest posting at Cravings of a Lunatic today. Kim and I became fast friends via Foodbuzz and I am always thoroughly entertained by her humorous blog posts.  Not to mention that she's one of the warmest most generous souls I've met. I knew I had to make something special to share with her readers...I'm not so funny, but I make a mean cookie bar!

There are certain candies I am required to purchase for Halloween, and Three Musketeers or Milky Ways are a must. We rarely have leftovers after the throng of trick or treaters, but we have to have the favorites on hand just in case.  All 120 full sized candy bars were spoken for by the end of the evening...I think I'll be buying more next year.  But till then, I thought I'd try to make my own Milky Way Bars.  Erin, of Dinners, Dishes and Desserts made her version by dipping individual bars, but I took the easy way out and added a crust to create layered bars.

These got rave reviews from my crew. And I just kept sneaking will power cannot resist caramel.  These gems need to stay in the refrigerator. Just during the time it took to photograph them, the caramel layer started oozing out.  Just more for me to trim off and sample. 

These super rich bars will be a hit with any chocoholic you know. They are just plain irresistible. Thanks, Kim, for the honor to guest post! 

Better Than Milky Way Bars...adapted from recipes from Hugs and Cookies and Dinners, Dishes and Desserts

1 stick (4 ounces) butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour

1 12-ounce bag milk chocolate chips
3 tablespoons cream
1 7-ounce jar marshmallow creme

1 14-ounce bag caramels
3 tablespoons cream

1 12-ounce bag milk chocolate chips
2 teaspoons vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 300ยบ. Line 8 x 8 inch pan with nonstick foil or greased regular foil.

Beat together butter, sugar and vanilla. Add the flour. Press evenly into may need to flour your fingers to prevent sticking. Prick crust with fork. Bake 35-45 minutes till crust is golden.   Cool.

Melt 12 ounces chocolate chips in microwave, starting and stopping to stir at 30 second intervals till melted and smooth.  Add 3 tablespoons cream and marshmallow creme, and stir till well combined. Pour over cooled crust and
spread with off set spatula.  Cool in fridge while preparing next layer.

Put caramels and 3 tablespoons of cream in microwave. Stop and stir at 30 second intervals till melted and smooth.  Pour over chocolate layer and spread with offset spatula.  Refrigerate for a couple hours.

Melt second bag of chocolate chips as directed above.  Add vegetable oil when melted and pour over caramel layer. Place in refrigerator till firm.

Use foil to remove from pan, peel off foil and cut into bars to serve.

Okay so I am strapping on my apron and heading into the kitchen. These look so decadent. I love Milky Way bars so this is my kind of treat. I just love the layers of ooey gooey-ness. A big Lunatic thank you to Liz for rocking my world today. I am touched and grateful you agreed to guest for me. I would love you all to head over to Liz's blog That Skinny Chick Can Bake and stalk her a little bit. You can also find her on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, PINTEREST, and STUMBLEUPON. Now run over and remember full stalker mode folks, no stealth mode. This lady deserves your full attention. Thanks Liz! Er, Mama Liz! xx

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. Wow !!! These look awesome !!!! Love all that layers ;) Yup , it surely is better than milky way bar ;D Yummy post , Liz ;)

  2. Wow - what a delicious post! The two of you together is an unbeatable combination! When you DO move in, Kim...can I go with you?

    Congratulations to both of's a winner!

    1. You can surely come with me. Slumber party. I'll bring the nail polish.xx

  3. Holy moly these look amazing! I mean, a homemade milky way bar, but better? Yes please! I'll take a whole pan! What an insanely rich dessert, I love it :) Great job Liz!

    1. Liz knocked these out of the park. I always eat my milky ways one section at a time. It's odd but I have done it since I was little. Lol!

  4. Oooh, these look amazing! I love Liz's blog, and these are yet another reason why!

  5. When something is so deliciously awesome that you have to lick your fingers upon finshing it to get the full extravagance of the taste.

  6. these look like a piece from a gigantic milky way bar! Nothing like all those wonderful flavors stacked together-yum!
    Nice to see Lizzy guest posting here! Simply delicious and decadent post!

    1. Thanks for visiting Tina. I am so happy Liz agreed to do this. And something so decadent too.

  7. Oh, you gave me a huge smile this morning, Kim!!! I'm saving you (and Ann) a spot in my spare bedroom...come on down anytime! We would have SO much fun!!! It's an honor to be here today! xoxo

    1. I am so happy to make you happy. Thanks again for doing this. I am ever grateful. You may regret inviting me. I never sleep. *giggles*

  8. YUM!!! I am always impressed by Liz's dishes, but this one just takes the cake, or, er...candy bar. Milky Way was my favorite as a kid and I can't wait to try this grown up version. Great guest post! :-) I love seeing two of my favorite bloggers collaborate!

    1. Thanks Katherine. You know I adore you right back.xx

  9. I just told Lizzy how much I loved these and I love that you had her guest post for you today. Two of my favorite ladies. :)

  10. Great guest post, Kim. Can totally understand why you'd want to move in.
    Liz, loving these bars. Decadence and heaven in one!

    1. I know right. Liz would stay skinny but I'd grow exponentially. lol

  11. These bars are so rich and decadent with all of those yummy flavors, oh my. Great job Lizzy, as usual.

    Two great ladies and one great recipe, a winner for sure!

  12. Liz, you never fail to impress. What a wonderful treat! Kim, thanks for having one of my favorite people over for a visit!!

  13. Forget the refrigerator! I love the oozing that I see. Wow, oh wow. Caramel trumps chocolate every day. I've never attempted to do the Milky Way thing at home and now I'm hooked.

    1. I am trying them this weekend. Not that I NEED chocolate but I WANT chocolate. Lol!

  14. Deeeep breath, another one.... I am OK, I am OK.... MMMM those look so delicious! and I can't eat any of it for another four days!

  15. HA!! I came here, saw the title and was like I have to have these Milky Ways are my favorite (then I see she adapted my recipe)! I love Liz, she always has amazing things to share! Great guest post!

    1. She is a dynamo and I love that she adapted your recipe. Cuz you rock sistah!

  16. Fabulous, it never occured to me that you could actually make these. But then I am no dessert baker. I'm going for that caramel layer. Love this wonderful guest post Liz and Kim.

    1. I may make mine with double caramel just to be on the safe side. Lol!

  17. Wow, I love how all these luscious layers just go on and on.........

  18. I want to make these immediately! They look out of this world!! Another winnter Lizzy! And Kim, hilarious as usual. You two are definitely a dynamic duo!

  19. Oh my sweet sweet cravings:))) Those look incredible Kim! What a great recipe..and I bet it taste it so good!!! Great post, congrats on the guest post over at Kelly! xoxo

  20. Oh man, you guys have me drooling! Milky Ways are one of the standard candy bars in Germany, too, and I just about die for them :) The caramel layer in this! Oh! OH! Oh how I suffer just looking!

  21. Oh yes!! I've been a milky way fan since I can remember and these bars look a million times better than any old plain milky way lol. Liz you did a wonderful guest post! So great to see two of my favorite bloggers in one place! =]

  22. GREAT guest post! I just saw a recipe from How Sweet Eats about homemade snickers bars and then I stumbled over here to find this?! I think God is definitely trying to tell me something...

    1. Lol, I saw those too. I am loving today. Candy bar treats rock. I think someone is telling us to eat more candy.

  23. So I was following Liz everywhere but Pinterest apparently. I have a feeling I'll be putting on a few pounds following here there! Man she's got some cool stuff pinned!

    1. Lol, I love pins that make me drool and make me put on my stretchy pants.

  24. Fabulous guest post!! These just look amazing!! :)

  25. What a great guest post - Liz has amazing recipes. These look super yummy.

  26. Adding these to my "to do list" :-) They look delicious!

    1. Adding them to mine too. Thanks for coming by.

  27. You two ladies are the best! When she adopts you, I wanna have a slumber party at her house and eat these Milky way bars and drink margaritas. MM-kay?

  28. Oh my gosh--these look so good! I know what I'm making for the next potluck at work.

  29. Oh these look delicious :) I'm coming over...

    1. Liz is going to have 100's of us on her doorstep. Cya there. xx

  30. Layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of super-chocolatey deliciousness. Liz I think you have outdone yourself - Kim, delightful guest post.

  31. You've done it again, Liz! These look amazing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Beth. I just hopped over to your blog and it's beautiful.

  32. This was definitely a treat - What an absolutely divine dessert - cravings have begun - thank you Liz and Kim, you are both wonderful geniuses! :D

    Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself

  33. All those layers wow just looks deliciouse thanks for sharing

  34. milky Ways are probably in my top 3 favorite candy bars! You gals have me drooling over here!

    1. Thanks for swinging by Stephanie. I love having you visit.

  35. I have a weakness for Caramel and Chocolate- these bars would certainly bring me to my knees!

    1. Thanks for visiting. I just went by your blog and am blown away by your photos and food. Just wonderful.

  36. I'm definitely in the mood for one of these now =) Great guest post Lizzy!

  37. The layers are just gorgeous. Oh course I love Lizzy so it is so fun to see her guest post here.

  38. Oh my gosh, those are stunning! Look at those marvelous layers of sticky goodness.

  39. Oh. My God.
    I am dying right now. MILKY WAYS ARE MY FAVORITE. And this is basically a Milky Way on steriods. What will it take to get you to share??

  40. You are ALL so sweet and generous with your comments!!! Thank you so much!

  41. That skinny chick sure can bake, no question and we love her, too! These bars look absolutely decadent and wouldn't last five minutes in this house!

    Kim - Adam here. I want to apologize for having missed your comment on PPM about having a shaded house and what you can do about it re: photos. We have been up to our hips in a huge project and my mind has been so consumed I haven't paid as much attention to the blogosphere as I would ordinarily. There are indeed somethings you can do and if you like you can email me at I will do my best to help you out.

    1. Cheryl and Adam- Thanks so much. She sure can. Love her to bits.

      Adam you are so sweet. I shall email you tomorrow for some help. I am reading plate to pixel and am also considering investing in a new camera if I can swing it within the next month. I asked everyone for gift certificates for the camera store here for Xmas and my birthday so getting close to my goal. I cannot thank you enough and will talk to you tomorrow. Good luck with the project!

  42. What a fabulous guess post! Lizzy & Kim, I love both your blogs, and now I think everyone can see why... decadent and beautiful! Who can resist!? Great post :)

  43. Oh my! The layers look so decadent. I enjoy Lizzy's blog a lot.

  44. You have enough butter, chocolate and caramel here; so maybe, just maybe these are better than Milky Way bars, my personal favourite.
    Good job Skinny.

    1. My guess is WAY better. Lol. Thanks for visiting.

  45. Caramel?? Home made candy? Chocolate? Kim, can Liz come join our soon to be made commune after you and I get married (you still haven't told your husband have you?) and cook these for us say, twice a day?

  46. You are so funny. Your adapted mama made such a delicious bars! After you are over, can you adapt me as your sister? LOL! You are so lucky she made this for you! You two are amazing bloggers!

    1. Thanks Nami. You totally have to join us for the adoption party at Liz's. I think she's adopting a whole bunch of us now. Lol! You are so sweet.

  47. YES, a commune is in order! I'll bake if you all eat!!! Thanks for all your kindness!

    PS...Kim, LOL at the what husband? comment! Too funny!

    1. Sounds like a deal to me!

      My poor hubs some days. Lol!

  48. YAS! yas yas yas! I love milky way bars and you've now just trumped milky way! Amazing! Fab post! Have a niec weekend! :)

  49. Holy cow girl now I know where you get your name from...these are to die for!!!! Yum!

  50. Wow!!!! That's on my must make list!!!!

  51. Lovely looking milky bars and yeah we would all want to move into Liz's house for all the decadent treats that she creates!You both are awesome :)

  52. Lizzy,
    Congrats on the Top 9 today!

    1. Hi Becky. Going to send this to Lizzy in an email to be sure she sees it. xx

  53. I love that you made these easy to make by making them into bars. Beautiful job, Lizzy!

  54. I LOL-ed like a cat at the "no take-backs" and "asylum." This recipe looks so rich - perfect for just a small portion! Yum!

    1. Thanks. I have issues. Liz really did great. So pleased she guested.

  55. Great post girls! So nice to see Lizzy over here, these look beyond amazing! Love the cookie crust on them and all the layers!!

    1. Thank so much my dear. Gratz on approaching your year mark. So glad you are blogging. xx

  56. OMG I wish stores would be open on Sunday in Germany so I could make a run and try this. Don't want to wait until Monday....They look delicious ^^

    1. I am dying to make them myself. Need to run out for supplies. These will not last long here. Liz knows her stuff.

  57. These are fantastic Lizzy...Wow, I so need a sweet treat now! I must try these :)

  58. No fair, I thought Lizzy was taking me in! I love how there is no fork required for these. Nice to find you. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

  59. I think we may have met at the fb fest. Were you with Baking Barrister, sorry about the belated drop in. The holidays through my schedule out the window.

  60. These are gonna be right there w/ the snickers things I wanted to make. We're going to be on sugar overload all week...

  61. I am drooling...literally! I love how they are layered, so pretty.

  62. wow!! wt a stunning dessert... gotta make this for sure :)

  63. Wow.. these look SO good! Lizzy is the sweetest.. not just her baking, but she's LOVELY!

  64. Way to rock everyone's world Liz!

  65. Kim,
    That looks absolutely delicious!!

    Great guest posting by Liz :)


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx