
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Po' Lunatic Sandwich for Slow Cooker Saturday

Hi folks. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. I've been incredibly lazy, no idea why. Just feel like chilling. Went to see the movie "We Bought A Zoo" with mini-me in the afternoon. Really good movie, very heart-warming. Then we went over to the book store like usual. They have an Indigo books right next to the movie theatre. I managed to score some Donna Hay cookbooks in the discount section. You know me and bargains. Even the movie was a bargain. We always go to the matinees as they are considerably cheaper than night time shows. Can you say cheapskate?

Another way I like to save money is by trying to use up leftovers. I had made a pot roast the other day and had some left. Normally I would use any leftovers for stew. This time I went out on a limb and made sandwiches with it. I did not do a dipping sauce for a couple of reasons.

1- I was busy and never got around to it!
2- I do not like soggy food so the idea of dipping a sandwich is weird to me!

Yeah okay so I have food hangups. What can I say, I am a nut ball after all. I do not like soggy food, I do not like my food to touch, I do not like to share food, and if you take a sip of my drink it's automatically yours. Just sayin'!

This was a great way to use up leftovers, really easy to do. I love the slow cooker for stuff like this. For me it's a lifesaver. We can go to the barn and still have dinner at night. Bonus!

Hope you enjoy!

Po' Lunatic Sandwich:


1.5 pounds of leftover roast beef (use fresh if you like, just adjust your cooking time)
2 cups beef broth (you can add in some dripping from your roast, just take off the fat)
1/4 to 1/2 cup onions (I had them in the pot roast so I used those)
1 cup Red Wine Sirloin Marinade Sauce from Smallwood's Harvest (you can use any sauce you like)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
Dash of salt
4 big rolls, we used Portuguese buns


Place the beef in your slow cooker.

Pour broth over it.

If your onions are not already cooked, pop them in a pan with olive oil for a few minutes.

Toss onions over top the roast.

Add your spices.

Turn slow cooker on low and cook for about 5 to 6 hours if the meat is leftover and already cooked. If using raw then adjust your time to about 9 to 10 hours.

Walk away and get some stuff done. Or watch TV. Or read my blog for oh, about 6- 10 hours.

Once you hear that beep, beep, beep, then go back and drain all the juice out of the beef.

Shred the meat by pulling it apart with two forks.

Pop the meat back in the slow cooker.

Add your Worcestershire sauce.

Add your Marinade sauce.

Give it a good stir.

Turn slow cooker back on for 30 minutes on low.

Now place on buns or bread and enjoy!

*Yields 4 big sandwiches*

I find it really hard to take pics of sandwiches. If you have any insight into how to make a sandwich look as good as it tastes please let me know. These were wicked tasty and the pics do not do them justice.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. I plan on finishing taking down the Christmas trees. I'll be sad to see them go. Nothing smells as good as fresh trees.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. Hi my dear,
    First of all a Very Happy New Year to you, wishing you loads n loads of happiness, health and peace this year.
    This sandwich looks good, I have been lazy too these days. May be it is the post holiday syndrome ;-)
    I too wanna watch "We bought a Zoo" nice to hear positive review from you.
    You take it easy, and have a beautiful sunday.

    1. Hi Reem. I feel like we haven't connected in ages. I've been so behind the 8 ball lately. So glad you came by. I think we are all burned out after the holidays. The epic blogger lull. That movie was so good. You will love it. Happy New Years. xx

  2. Great idea ,leftover turn out to a great meal,sound really yummy,I never wasted the foods too,I like to create idea from leftover foods,welldone Kim :)

    1. Thanks so much Ridwan. I try my hardest to use stuff up. This was a tasty way to do it.

  3. Kim , even without sauce that po boy looks moist and yummy ! Ha ! who doesn't love bargains ? hahaha

    1. I am a bargain gal. It's in my blood. Not that I couldn't live like a real housewife given enough moolah but you know whatever.

  4. Your photos look fine. In fact, they look really good! If you look at the cover of this month's Food & Wine Magazine, you'll see a sandwich shot. Though they spent thousands on lighting and probably assembled theirs with toothpicks and glue, it's an angle similar to yours. I shoot my food with a Nikon D90 and a 28mm lens. I most often try to use natural light. Strangely enough, though, my best food photos have come from my wife's Canon point & shoot, or my iPhone camera.

    I really enjoy coming by here. You and I have so many of the same food rules, I wonder if we weren't separated at birth!

    Take care.

    1. I covet the D90, it's the one PW uses. I have a crappy Kodak easyshare, it's a challenge to take quality photos. I also have little natural light here. Small windows and lots of mature trees. I use low ego lights almost daily. I am so glad you enjoy it here. I love to have fun and not take life too seriously.

  5. I need to pull out my slow cooker more often. I just don't get myself organized enough to think of dinner early enough to get it started. I agree taking photos of sandwiches can be trying. I think you did great! Hey if I'm drooling here to eat your sandwich... you really did your job. :)

    1. Lol, I am honoured to have made you drool. I forgot to pull mine out so we ate really late on this one. But we tend to eat late with the kids school schedules anyway. The joys of university aged kids.

  6. Oh, my gosh, you're on a posting binge again :) These sandwiches look excellent...a family pleaser for sure!!!

    1. Lol, am I. I hadn't noticed at all. *giggles and does her best Austin Powers pose*

  7. Hey Kim - I am SO Jealous that you got Donna Hay cookbooks out of the bargain bin! I LOVE her and have a bunch of her cookbooks but have never been able to get them on sale! There is hardly ever a single recipe in her books where I'm like "Nyah I wouldn't want to eat that." It's ALL good! Much like that sandwich of yours! Of course I'm off carbs right now so anything with bread in it makes me hungry! I'm pretty sure I'd want to eat this even if I just ate a whole loaf though!

    1. I had never heard of her till a friend mentioned her. I am a lifetime lover of cooking but did not get into cookbooks or tv shows till less than a year ago. So most chefs are totally new to me. This is the gal who left PW a comment once that was so silly, I had no idea who she was. Yup, I'm a keeper. I could not go off carbs, kudos to you for it. I don't think I could handle it. I'd be crying inside of a day. Lol!

  8. Looks mighty tasty. I think you did your leftovers proud!

  9. Wow, that's a mighty sandwich! Looks tasty - and I have never even heard of dipping a sandwich? O_O Who would do that!

    1. Thanks Kiri! Only crazy people if you ask me!!

  10. What a yummy way to use up leftover roast beef! This sandwich looks delish!

  11. Woohoo! Thanks for the recipe. I was just wondering what I was going to through in the crock pot for dinner on Wednesday while I am at work. Ta-da! Problem solved.

  12. Great way to use up left overs. I agree about soggy food, but I do love dipping sauces. I like to use stale bread, toast it almost rock hard in the oven, that way when I dip, the bread softens, soaks up the sauce, and isn't soggy.

    1. Lol, I think my hubs is like you. I can't even eat cereal due to the fact that it's wet vs dry. Lol!


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