
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Turtle Banana Split- More Birthday Shenanigans!!!

Hi folks. Yes you are reading the post title correctly. I, being the Lunatic that I am, made a banana split with the ever popular Turtles candy I love so much. You may have read the post where I talked about stealing Turtles last year from hubs and B. You  may have read about my Turtle Bark. You also may have read about my Turtle ice cream and the fact that we ended up with a gazillion boxes of it this Christmas. I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that people read about last years heist and felt sorry for myself and mini-me. Nah, could not have been that.

So since it is my birthday weekend and no holds should be barred on a birthday weekend I decided to make myself a monster sized banana split. I did not want just any banana split. So I thought to myself, "self what is your favourite ice cream?" And my self almost blew out my eardrums yelling "Turtles, Turtles, Turtles!" I just so happened to have some homemade Turtle ice cream so now the anticipation was building what I could lay on this thing. So I went through my mental checklist:

Turtle Ice Cream- check
Whipped Cream- check
Turtles Candy- check
Skor Bits- check
Caramel Sauce- check and bonus it's homemade
Fudge Sauce- check, I had homemade but opted for Magic Shell
Pecans- check
Giant Bowl- check
Giant Appetite- check
Couch To Pass Out On After- check

So you see I was good to go. Let's not talk about why I happen to have all these items laying around. Maybe we shouldn't talk about that. Let's not even think about it. In fact, let's never speak of it again.

I know you are dying to know how I made it but first I want to make sure you all saw my birthday cake Chef Dennis made me so check below for that little beauty:

That was the cake portion of my birthday. Thanks Dennis.

Then we had this little thing going on and still is:

You got it folks, I am giving away one subscription to Bon Appetit magazine. So run over and check that out so you can enter. This was our present phase of the weekend.

So now we just had the ice cream phase left. To me if you're going to splurge you should go big or go home. Of course going big might mean not being able to fit through the door after eating it but hey, who needs to go anywhere when the ice cream is in here anyway. So on to the recipe. You may get a bit fat eating it but you'll be happy. You're welcome!!!

Turtle Banana Split:

A Lunatic Original


3 scoops of Turtle ice cream
2 heaping tablespoons of caramel
1 heaping tablespoon of Magic Shell
1 banana, split
3 squirts of whipping cream, if using a spray type
3 whole Turtles candy
3 Turtles candy, cut into small pieces
1/4 cup Skor bits
1/4 cup pecans, crushed
Chocolate Sauce drizzled for garnish (cuz there is not enough chocolate already)


Cut your banana down the middle lengthwise. Set aside.

Cut up your turtles, set aside.

Measure out your Skor bits. Set aside.

Crush your pecans and set aside.

Heat up the caramel sauce for about 30 seconds in the microwave.

Place everything within your grasp so you can assemble quickly.

Now grab a bowl and scoop your ice cream into it.

Lay banana on either side.

Now pour the Magic Shell over the scoop in the middle.

Now pour your caramel sauce over the other two scoops.

Now quickly squirt or top with whipped cream.

Top each section with a whole Turtle candy.

Toss your skor bits, crushed pecans and chopped Turtles around the bowl.

Drizzle with chocolate sauce.

Enjoy with a big old messy smile!!!

I know right! It makes me dizzy just thinking about it! It was so good my head was spinning!

Somehow I powered through and kept at it. The fun part of these photo shoots is eating while you take pics. See below for what actually goes on during a "photo shoot" at the Lunatic asylum!

At this point I was so full I thought I'd explode and had a zillion pictures so I finally shared. Below is all that was left after the hooligan men got done with it.

Good lord it was so good I think they ate the bowl. Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow my Turtle Banana Split. Till next year my darling, till next year.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. Oh my gosh! How divine. I wish I could reach through my screen and grab this right now! I would eat every last bit of it!

    1. Lol, it was way too good. I had such a tummy ache but it was so worth it.

  2. Wow! That is a go big or go home sundae! Happy Birthday! Let's had cake, presents and ice-cream...

    YUP! You had a birthday! I'm glad I was able to share it with you - even if it was over the internet!

    Happy Birthday my lunatic friend!

    1. Lol, it was huge. And I ate like half. So crazy! I had a great weekend. The only thing missing was a movie which is tradition here. But with mini-me sick we put it off till next week. Thanks Ann!

    2. I hope she feels better soon! How's she doing?

  3. It's almost 11PM, I was ready to shut down my comp. Then I decided to check Blogs I Follow, and here it is, your new post. I am laughing into my pillow not to awake anyone. You are wonderful, you know that?! Delicious post! Cal I lick the spoon? :)

    1. Lol, thanks Marina. I so appreciate it. I enjoy writing almost as much as eating. I may have already licked the bowl. I'll make another one and we can split it.

  4. That looks really scrumptious !!!! Lovely presentation , Kim ;) Love the bowl , too hahaha

    1. Thanks Anne! I had a blast! The only bowl it would fit inside. Lol!

    2. Banana Split can't get better than this for sure! You had me drooling ;-D

    3. Lol it was pretty darn drool worthy!

  5. I think I got a sugar rush just looking at the pictures! What a wonderful treat for your happy day. Hoping mini-me is well soon so you can get to the movie portion of your celebration!

    1. Lol, I hear ya. She is feeling tons better finally. Woot woot. We were going to hit a movie on the weekend but I forgot my son is out of town for a conference. Arg. I can't win. May have to rearrange their school schedules so they can spend more time with me. Lol!

  6. This does look good, but I would have to find a big spoon because I would want every component in one bite. I have to say Kim-you really know how to celebrate a birthday as well as enjoy a photo shoot-yum! Sinful and delicious-perfect for the birthday girl.

    1. Lol, I had a ball. I swear I ate half of it myself while taking pics. So fun. I can't fit in my desk chair today but you know, standing is fine.

  7. Now that's my kind of banana split! What a great birthday indulgence!

  8. Seriously? My scales are going to laugh at me and run away after I eat this!!

    1. Mine is hiding in the closet shaking like a leaf waiting for Wednesday.

  9. I am happy to say that I don't have a single one of those ingredients lying around the house and I think it needs to stay that way. That looks too amazingly decadent. Definitely a birthday girl's dream though!

    1. Lol, you chocolate hater you! I had a ball. I'll have to think of one sans chocolate for your birthday! Lol!

  10. Oh, my gosh, my pancreas is churning out insulin just reading your post!!! I LOVE this decadent sundae...just as much as I love turtles! You know how to treat yourself right on your bday :) xo

    1. I should do a public service announcement immediately to apologize to diabetics. This is not a blog for those folks for sure. I wonder how I'd fare with Mrs. Deen's diagnosis. That would be so tough for me. I am a total sugar wench. It's sad.

  11. Ooooooh, yummy! I love a banana split, but how could a turtle not improve upon that? ;) looks a-ma-zing!

    1. I'm on my last box of Christmas turtles. I may need to write the company and ask them if they need a recipe developer. Rofl!

  12. Yup - I am in need of a turtle split, STAT! ~Megan

  13. ok you may be a lunatic, but you certainly aren't crazy! That turtle split looks amazing! I am an ice cream fiend and would have done my best to finish that one by myself!

    1. Omg Dennis it was so good. If we ever meet up in person we need to hit an ice cream shop! I need a good partner in crime who isn't afraid to finish the whole thing!!!

  14. Oh my, there is too much good stuff going on here to be true!! Turtles...turtle ice cream...chocolate...Skor bits...nuts...Ah! My head just exploded. Or was that my arteries?
    Happy Birthday by the way!

    1. Rofl, I may need to change my habits soon. If my doc gets wind of this one I may get a stern talking to.

  15. That is one turtletastic sundae! I want I want I want!!!! And it's totally healthy right???? I mean bananas are loaded with potassium and there is a lot of calcium and protein in ice cream! I feel healthier just thinking about it! :)

    1. Right!!! Totally healthy. I mean it's got bananas and let's just pretend. I am glad I made you feel good. I bet if they put one of these at the end of my treadmill I'd run faster.

  16. Now that's what a call an awesome sundae!! I love the addition of turtles because who doesn't like some caramel and nuts in their sundae!! Well done and I hope you enjoyed every last bite. :)

    1. SOOOOO good and I enjoyed it SOOOOO much! I can't move today but you know, moving is over rated anyway.

  17. ::drool:: this looks absolutely delicious! I wouldn't even use a spoon to devour that, no hands either lol. Thanks for sharing, hope you're having a good one! =]

    1. Lol, it was so good. It took all my willpower to take pics and not just sit on my photo table eating it.

  18. Wish it was my birthday. Haha! This looks so delicious. My guy loves ice cream and anything dessert with chocolate. I must make this soon. Very soon. Oh my!

    1. Celebrate your un-birthday. It's the new birthday. Make it today, don't wait. Lol!

  19. Turtles are insanely good! I have to steer clear of them or I'll eat the entire package in one sitting!

    1. I did pretty good. I got tons of them for Christmas and still have some left. On my last box though. I may cry when they are done.

  20. mmmmmmm.....can I celebrate my next birthday at your house Kim? That turtle banana split looks absolutely perfect!

    1. Yeppers, the more birthdays the more splits. Works for me! Thanks Christie!xx

  21. You're driving me crazy with all this turtle stuff! I'm obsessed!

    1. They are so good. I could just eat them morning, noon and night. I don't...but I could. Oh who am I kidding. I totally do.

  22. Good grief that looks good!! I'll gladly come visit for your next birthday! :)

  23. Kim - reading your posts always makes my day! I share your go big or go home attitude about ice cream and birthdays. PS I looove that bowl.

    1. Aw, thanks. I really enjoy the writing part of the blog. And the eating part.

  24. OMG, that is some sundae! Definitely birthday-worthy.

  25. You tempting me with a bowl of this turtle banana split,,,,caramel and chocolate on ice cream,,YESSSS :)

  26. Kim, this is why I love you. Anyone who can take one of my all time favorite candies and make it into a sundae is awesome. Had we ever finalized our wedding date btw? Cause I want these at the reception :-P

    I'm still waiting for you to tell me what "Limited Edition Turtles" are btw. C'mon, spill it.

    1. You pick the date and I'll bring the dessert. I left the turtle lowdown on your blog. I thought I popped it up on the ice cream but maybe I was hallucinating from sugar.

  27. Oh sweet lord, this is HEAVEN!!! I'm just drooling all over myself here!

  28. OMG! This is fabulous! You are a girl after my own heart. Oh how I wish you lived near me {wipes tear}.

    1. Oh Dee it was the bomb, so good. I know, one of us should move. What's the temp like there? I might consider jumping ship if it's warm.

  29. If this is wrong I don't want to be right!

  30. OMG this is to die for. This is my kind of dessert. I love banana splits and haven't had one in years. Back in my college days after losing weight over a boyfriend I went on a banana split diet. It definitely made me feel better. Of course that was back in the 70s probably when you were born.

    This is so sinful. I can't wait to try it. There's always room for dessert!

    1. Lol, I was born in '69 so you pegged it well. I love banana splits but rarely eat them. I forgot how good the cold ice cream is with the banana. It's like heaven on a spoon. My thoughts exactly.

  31. My head is now totally spinning...WOW! Best dessert ever?

  32. Wow, now I am officially craving it like a lunatic too! This looks....drool-worthy I guess sums it up. Nice pics, too!

  33. Oh, P.S. I'm hosting my first recipe link-up next Monday for Meatless Monday. I hope you will contribute something! You have so many awesome recipes, feel free to add more than 1!

    1. I shall run over tonight and check it out. I have a couple good meatless options.

  34. Oh my freakin lord, this looks amazing!! I'm drooling, I need this banana split asap. My stomach is now growling, seems like I might be having ice cream for dinner. :) Happy birthday!

    1. Thanks so much. This was oodles of fun to make, eat and photograph.

  35. Whoa, girl! Now that is a birthday treat!!!

    1. Lol, I may need medical attention after this weekend.

  36. Wow!....Amazing! That's all there is to say about it!! : )

  37. Oh my! I WANT THIS! I am drooling... this is so decadent, it should be illegal! Can I have this for breakfast? Maybe on my birthday :) Happy Birthday again :)

    1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And birthdays, and every other wednesday. No wonder I need to lose weight. Lol! Thanks!xx

  38. Kim! Happy Birthday!!! And what a fitting dessert to make for yourself! I am with you...especially on your birthday....go big or go home! The banana split is a fabulous way to make use of all of your Turtles! And I love your leaf bowl! Hope you celebrated in style and I wish you a happy and healthy year!

    1. Aw thanks so much Anne. I sure had a great weekend and this was the....cherry on the sundae? I have no idea. But it was good. I now need to behave. The bowl was from my first foray into the chef store. Cheap too. I can't remember if it was $7 or $14. Knowing me probably $7. Lol!

  39. Heaven. You've created heaven and I want a bite!! I need to make this as soon as possible ( lol I feel like any time I read any of your recipes, I'm always saying that - - you just have me going stir crazy over all the yummy-ness!! ;))

    1. Lol, thanks. I was going for sinful but I'll take heaven. I do live in the land of indulgence. I really should grow up and eat like an adult. But I don't wanna!

  40. What a yummy looking banana split. Love your leaf-shape bowl, perfect for the splits. Thank you for sharing this lovely post, Kim. :)

    1. Thanks so much. I was grasping at straws trying to find a banana boat shaped bowl. Lol. This one was a first purchase at a chef supply store. So cute. Thanks for stopping by. I adore your blog. I am bookmarking stuff like mad this week.

  41. Oh girl, you definitely know how to celebrate a birthday in food style! This banana split sounds utterly amazing =)

  42. I almost fainted after seeing this turtle banana split! I'd do anything if I can eat this.... I'm serious!


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx