
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Recap

Our tree, not as pretty as usual. Haphazard piling of gifts due to being sick. I am so lucky we have people to spoil us when life is rough!
Hi folks. Hope everyone is well and winding down from all the Christmas hoopla. It's such a busy time of the year. I'm sure many of you are feeling a bit burned out. I think it comes with the season. Too much to do, not enough sleep and eating like we should not for weeks on end. Tends to take a toll. Thank goodness it only comes once a year.

As many of you might know we've had a death in the family. So my time is limited for blogging right now. The funeral is tomorrow so I have some things I need to get organized. I shall be doing a post tomorrow in memory of my aunt so I shall fill you in more then. For now just know every one is doing well and coping. With that said I may be laying low for a few days. So if you don't see me commenting on other blogs or responding to my comments quickly for the next few days that is what is happening. We have family in town so no idea how the next few days will go. May be very busy, may not.

We've also had some other drama going on. I cannot explain right now but it's been a wicked rough week here at the Bee household. We will power through as always. Life keeps spinning no matter what. Again everyone is okay and coping.

We did have a pretty good Christmas. As you know me and mini-me were wicked sick beforehand. So we did not get to do the gingerbread village we do every year. We also did not do gingerbread men. It's unfortunate but when you are that sick the last thing you want to do is decorate sweets for hours on end. I ended up not going to dinner at my in-laws as I was so behind, I had not finished wrapping gifts at that point. So I stayed here. Mini-me had to work anyway so I had to pick her up after work. It's getting harder and harder for me to eat at other's homes as time goes on. So many people are into the healthy lifestyle so they load the table with wheat and whole grain products and I cannot eat any of that stuff. It can make dinners out a bit difficult. I am all for a healthier lifestyle but mine cannot include being doubled over in pain after a meal. Very unfortunate, but I think in 2012 I should think about just bringing my own food when we go out. Make life a bit easier. IBS can make life a bit of a challenge at times. Most people do not understand it or how seriously it can cause extreme pain. What I eat can affect me for days on end. So I am way more careful these days about avoiding things I know will trigger it.

Anyhow the guys had dinner at the in-laws and us girls bopped over after mini-me finished work. Had a good visit. Always nice to see everyone, especially the kids. So fun to watch their reactions to things at Christmastime. For me that is what Christmas is all about.

We always come home at a decent hour and open a couple gifts. It's a yearly tradition. We all open one from my sister, Deb. Then we all open one from each other. Then we usually end up opening a third just for a good measure. Then the hooligans go to bed and no matter how tired or sick Santa is the gifts make their way under the tree.

Malia getting in on the action. This puppy was a gift opening machine!
Christmas day was us four opening gifts and hanging out. The kids are older now so we don't do the whole get up at 5 am thing any more. We got up late, opened gifts, then had brunch as we always do. The bacon blew this year. I bought a different kind and it was awful. Luckily the rest was good.

Brunch table is never pretty, we're usually still in pj's with bedhead and no makeup too. By this point we'd eat out of a trough.
Then it's cook, cook, cook all day long. I made chicken as we are not big turkey fans. We had bought a Honey Bee Ham which is something we do about twice a year. I made mashed potatoes (sucked), stuffing (brilliant), corn (yum), homemade garlic bread (flipping awesome), and roasted carrots (wicked yummy) and just some plain rolls (meh). I shockingly did not do dessert. Just was not up to it. My brother came by which was great. Love seeing him, he's a hoot and a half.

Highlight of the day would be the kids gift to me. They got me an I Love Lucy cookie jar. I cannot tell you how surprised and happy I was. Huge Lucy fan and well, cookie jars rock my world so woot woot. I've put it somewhere safe so it does not get destroyed. I may not let anyone touch it for quite some time. It'll be the first non-cookie cookie jar to enter the house.

Most favourite thing this year! Thanks hooligans, you done darn good. Lol!
I also got the coolest purse in the world. Most of you won't like it but I adore it. It's pink and cowgirl all the way so again, woot woot. Love the things to bits. *insert horse humour giggle here*

Cowgirl "pretty in pink" purse!
Okay so to wrap up, here's a summary:

Wicked busy!

Wicked external drama!

Wicked behind on wrapping gifts!

Wicked Christmas dinner I did not attend!

Wicked time with family!

Wicked gift opening!

Wicked tired Santa!

Wicked gift opening again!

Wicked brunch!

Wicked dinner!

Wicked cookie jar!

Wicked purse!

Wicked tired!

Wicked looking forward to next year!

Wicked is officially the most overused word of 2011!

Recap of Christmas baking:

Peppermint Eclairs- click HERE to view post!

Pistachio Coconut Meringues- click HERE to view post!

Gingerbread Ice Cream- click HERE to view post!

Slow Cooker Party Mix- click HERE to view post!

Hot Fudge Sauce- click HERE to view post!

Coconut Bark- click HERE to view post!

Black Forest Bark- click HERE for view post!

Turtle Bark- click HERE to view post!

Chocolate and Peanut Butter M+M Cookies- click HERE to view post!

Chocolate Cherry Checkerboard Cookies- click HERE to view post!
Kim's Nutella Cookies- click HERE to view post!

Pretty Pepperminty Ice Cream- click HERE to view post!
Yup, that's not bad considering I ended up with the plague during Christmas. Next year I vow to start earlier, and take vitamins so I do not get sick. I really wanted to share our gingerbread stuff with you but it'll have to wait another year.

Hope everyone enjoyed the season. We sure did. Proof positive having a tight Christmas can still be a blast. While I would have loved to spoil the kids on our last Christmas together before my son moves off to get his PHD, it was not in the cards this year. Hubs was laid off in October after a 2 month return to the work force, he's still struggling to find a job with his fancy new degree. When life hands you lemons, make cheap lemonade!!!

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. WICKED!!! Wicked good, wicked bad ... there's always a balance. Maybe this'll make you a teensy bit happier ... I'd made your black forest cheesecake in a glass (not a jar) and it was wicked delicious! There were some spoilsports who claimed they would only eat fresh cherries ... snobs. But they finished it all off anyway :D And I made extras so that I could have them in the next few days by myself, all to myself! Muahahaha! Oink.

  2. Aw, Kim, I'm so sorry about the sickness and death in the family! You still managed to pull together a successful Christmas. And Malia is a hoot! Thinking of you and your family~

    PS...I almost snorted my tea with that trough comment!

  3. Awww... what a lovely looking Christmas! I love that "I love Lucy" cookie jar...lucky you! All the best for 2012 my friend!! I hope it's a grand year.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Aunt. We completely understand if you take time for your family and not the blog.

    We were very blessed this year by the kindness and generosity of family members. I completely know about the tighter finances and less than opulent Christmas.

    On another note, my hubby has IBS too. It's a crazy miserable condition.

  5. Kim - you take all the time you need and I hope things smooth out for you soon. I know that you've been wicked sick lately.

    You had a delicious year and next year we'll have ginger bread to look forward to! YUM!

    Take care of YOURSELF with the IBS...don't worry about polite eating at other peoples houses! I can only imagine how bad it can be.

    Love the bag and cookie jar...and love you, my friend!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    And wishing you all the best in 2012!!

    PS Loveeee the Lucy Cookie Jar! So much fun.

  7. I really wish you the best during these hard times, it gets darker just before dawn, so hang in there! Have a very happy New Year, hopefully it will bring more light into all our lives! I admire your effort during all that baking! Everything looks delicious!

  8. Gosh, you certainly have had a wicked Christmas time! So sorry to hear about your aunt and good luck tomorrow. Glad to hear you're feeling better and what a round-up of all of your festive goodies. Malia opening presents? Now that is... wicked! Thanks for all the joy you've given us this year. Never lose that sense of humour! All the best for a most healthy, happy and dynamic 2012 and to many more of your fun posts!

  9. Oh man, Kim, I'm so, so sorry. I was in Chicago all this week jumping on the computer just to make sure my auto-posting worked and so I missed all this awfullness going on in your house. Very, very sorry about your aunt. I'll be praying for family members for sure.

    My husband also has IBS. Lactaid (lactose-free milk and pills) is a normal item around this house and any spicy meal is treated as a possible eruption-causing food.

    Do you realize how much chocolate is in those pictures? I'm just sayin'.

  10. *hugs* I hope everything gets better, and I am glad CHristmas itself was great. Hang in there!

  11. I love that chocolate container! And you really did some amazing Christmas baking this year. Happy New Year!

  12. Oy. What a Christmas you had! I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Aunt, but so happy to hear everyone is coping as best they can. Keep hangin' tough and don't worry about your foodie minions while you take some time to take care of your family and yourself! xoxo

  13. So sorry to hear about the death in your family, all the illness and your husband's job. Wishing all of you a healthier and happier new year!

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss :( At least you had some fun puppy moments during your Christmas

    Wishing you a safe and blessed new year!


  15. So sorry about your aunt, Kim, and all the other life challenges happening lately. This will pass and we'll give you time to get yourself back together and look forward to more of your wicked humor in 2012. Happy New Year!

    Anita & Brian (the other half of Hungry Couple) and Hadley the puppy souse chef

  16. So sorry to hear about your Aunt. It's such a tough time of year to deal with something like that. No wonder you're exhausted! I hope that you have a restful New Year's Eve and a wonderful new year to come. Happy New Year Kim!!!

  17. I am so very sorry to hear about your Aunt, Kim. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am also glad that you guys had a great Christmas! I love the cookie jar! Hope you have an even better New Years!

  18. Hello Kim, thank you for sharing all those yummy recipes with are one kind and lovely person. I wish you and yours awesome New Year, full of happiness, joy and success!!!

  19. You have such a wonderful outlook Kim. Despite all you have had to deal with over the holidays you manage to keep your sense of humor and gratitude. We can all learn from your fabulousness! I hope 2012 brings all of the happiness you deserve, and a few (a lot) less challenges.
    xo, Christie

  20. I hope your having a wicked start to the new year =) Wicked in a good way, of course!


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