
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back on 2011

Hi folks. I want to start by thanking all my readers for such an amazing year. This little old blog started as a lark. It was an easy way to share recipes with friends who lived in different countries. It started with about 3 people and quickly blossomed to 6. Looking back I remember being so excited having 10 people reading, then 15, then more. Now I have to pinch myself every day. This blogging thing has turned into something I did not quite expect. I thank each and every one of you for your loyalty and kindness. You come back every day no matter what craziness is happening here. I appreciate it more than you know. You guys make this a joy to do. Getting to know everyone has been such a huge bonus for me. Talking with people with a shared passion is refreshing. I never get tired of it. I always say I could cook all day every day and never grow tired of it. I have a blast doing it and I hope that reflects in the food and the writing. Life is a wonderful journey if you're open to it. Sure there are obstacles in your path but you learn and grow from each one. You make a choice every day to be positive and have fun in life. I learned early on that life is short. So embrace every moment with a smile on your face and an eclair in each hand. *wink*

I thought I would highlight your faves and mine. Hope you enjoy this look back.

Your Faves of 2011:





My Personal Faves:


I know right, none of my faves are recipes. They are time with family and road trips. Isn't this a food blog you're asking, how can her faves not be recipes. Well first of all it is way too hard for me to pick a fave recipe. And secondly all of these trips somehow revolved around or were highlighted by food. We were shopping for food in most or having a picnic in one. So they are food related, just not recipes. For me food and family are intertwined in a big way. We have our traditions and many involve food in a big way. So for me the posts that mean the most somehow involve family and time spent together. Our lives have been stressful for so long now that the moments we had to get out and let our hair down are the ones that ring true for me personally.

I hope you enjoyed this look back. I sure did have fun putting it together for you. It's been an amazing year, lots of good times were had. My philosophy is you can sit around moaning how hard your life is, or you can move past and get off your duff and have some fun. I choose fun. Life is way too short, get out there and kick up your heels a bit. You will not be sorry. If you kick your heels up with an eclair in each hand all the better.

Thanks again for being such loyal, dedicated readers. I adore each of you. You and you, and even you. Sometimes you in the back irk the begeezuz out of me but I still adore you. I hope you continue on with my journey to becoming a better cook and baker. I am having a blast exploring new recipes and sharing old faves. You guys make this all worthwhile. Well, maybe not the eating my food cold all the time to get the right shot, but I'm sure I'll get faster soon. I suppose I can't really hold you responsible for my lack of photo finesse and speed. I mean I could, but that would be wrong. So I'll blame the puppy, after all we do blame her for everything.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. What a great look back! And what a year it has been indeed. Happy new year!!!! Can you believe it will be 2012?? All the best to you and your family Kim :-D

  2. Kim , Happy New Year !!!!! Wishing you all the best in the coming year and more yumminess to come hahaha

  3. I LOVE your favorite posts - time with family is too precious to pass up! Happy New Year, my dear friend and I look forward to all the yumminess of 2012!

  4. Happy New Year! My favorite times are always the ones spent with my family.

  5. I love that your favorite posts aren't recipes because mine aren't either :) By the way, little Malia is adorable. I love Westies...probably the cutest dogs ever - except, of course, for my little Cavalier :) Happy New Year to you and your brood!

  6. This was a good read and I love the pictures. Your little pup is adorable. Happy New Year!

  7. Okay... I'm usually drooling over your recipes... but is it sad that I'm drooling over your cutie Malia. We promised the kids a dog this year towards spring time and a Westie is my number one favorite breed. I could just look at that last picture all day. :) Wishing you and your family (especially little Malia) a very Happy New Year!! Love the recipe and post round up... so happy to stroll down memory lane with you. ~ Ramona

  8. I don't know whether I'm your 50th or 500th subscriber, but I sure am glad I found your little corner on the Web. Happy 2012!

  9. You definitely got my attention with s'more ice cream!

  10. Oh, Sweet Goodness! I want to make every single recipe from this roundup :) I am so glad I found your blog! Have a Happy New Year!

  11. So happy to hear you had a wonderful and blessed year! I love the recipe recap - especially the ice cream torte... it looks simply divine. Have a wonderful New Year!

  12. You made some wonderful-looking things this past year. Wishing you and your family a good new year!

  13. I really want to lick that spoon...

  14. Have a wonderful New Year! I need to try that smores ice cream, yum!

  15. Great posts, Kim! And admit it, it was me that bugs the begeezus out of you isn't it? It's the coke/pepsi thing right? Plus, that I'm so much cuter than you. :-P


  16. Happy New Year Kim! I love that some of your favorite memories of the past are not recipes but trips and times spent with family! I am also seriously taking your advice and will have an eclair in each hand every day of my life! Seriously, thank you so much for your friendship and support over the past months. You are such a joy and I appreciate your humor, your warmth, your amazing recipes, and the joy you bring to this blog and to your readers! I wish you and your family all good things in the year to come! : )

  17. Moments with family can ever be beat!! Hope your 2012 is filled with love, health, and happiness!

  18. I still have dreams about that black forest cheesecake in a jar! Happy 2012!

  19. I am running over for some black forest cheesecake in a jar! Never made it below that. lol. Happy New Year K! :)

  20. Happy New Year. Terrific photos and such a precious pooch!

  21. Can I just repeat Anne's comment? You bring so much fun and joy to the blogging world, Kim..thank you for just being you!!! And that last shot of Malia is her!

  22. Wishing you lots of stress-free family and food filled memories in 2012! I cannot wait to see how you top cheesecake in a jar!

  23. i just love your favorite picks. As much as I enjoy reading about food i love reading about the person behind the food blog and your joy shines though.
    Happy New Year Kim!

  24. Wow. It has been a good year, hasn't it?! I really believe that 2012 will be even better.

  25. I love your words about the intertwining of food and family, I so agree, and can only hope my kids will be half as into food as me so we can enjoy it together as they grow up! Happy New Year to you and yours, Kim.

  26. I love that you did your favorites as well...lovely re-cap!
    Happy 2012!

  27. Lovely Look back, Have a Wonderful, Happy New Year!

  28. Hi there! It's my first time on your blog and I just wanted to say I love it! All your recipes look so good, I bet they taste even better :) I'm a happy new follower of your wonderful blog, I can't wait to see more of your great recipes! Happy New Year!

  29. Lovely recap Kim and have a Wonderful New Year!!

  30. Happy New Year Kim Bee! What a great recap.. sure inspires me to continue to blog. Thanks for the constant support and your little mention of me over at Facebook. Here's to another year of fantastic food blogging and hopefully this year my blog will improve further too. Wishing you and your family a healthy and prosperous New Year!! Huggggsss..

  31. Wow! You have cooked and blogged so much in 2011! It must been a great year for you. Happy 2012 and can't wait to see more of your great cooking.

  32. Fabulous recap! I've had so much fun getting to know you through your blog this year. Wishing you, your family, and your adorable puppy a spectacular 2012!

  33. @Katherine- I am so shocked it is 2012 already. Happy New Year my friend! xx

    @Pegasusland- Thanks Claudia, right back at ya! xx

    @Anne- You too! Yah to yumminess! xx

    @Ann- Happy New Year! xx

    @S.V.- Thanks. You too and agreed!

    @Anita- Glad I am not the only one. I love cavaliers, I actually considered getting one. They are wicked pricey though.

    @Tina- Thanks and Happy New Year my friend!

    @Ramona- Thanks so much. You will love the westie. Although they are wicked stubborn, warning you now. They like to dig too. But she's a great dog, really sweet and smart as whip. I have to say I prefer shelties for kids though. Our little guy we had for 14 years was just such a sweetheart, would not hurt a fly. One day I'll get another one. Was just too soon to get the same breed.

    @unorthodoxepicure- Aw, you are so sweet. I'm glad too! xx

    @Beth- It is yummy stuff!

    @Crunchy Cream Sweet- Happy New Year, so glad you found me too. Love having you visit. xx

    @Katie- Thanks so much for coming by. That ice cream torte just about made me stop cooking. Lol! Happy New Year!

    @Cucina- Thank you and Happy New Year to you as well.

    @Marina- Lol, you crack me up! xx

    @Kait- Thanks so much. It's a good one. Happy New Year!

    @Janet- How did you know? Lol. I could never be driven mad by my twin. And you know you secretly drink Pepsi and just tell everyone you drink Coke. *giggles*

    @Anne- Aw, you are so sweet and kind. No wonder I adore you so much. I promise an email to catch up. I am so happy we met and any time you need an ear you can count on me. xx

    @Stephanie- Thank you so much my dear! Right back at ya! xx

    @Eliotseats- Me too! It was so good. Happy 2012!

    @Baker Street- Lol, it was SO good. I have to make that again soon. Happy New Year my friend. Be back to visiting you, er, stalking you soon. Lol!

    @Lori Lynn- Thanks so much from me and little Malia. Lol!

    @Lizzy- Lol, I'll take that. Thanks so much, you are such a sweetheart. Malia sure is a cutie, now if I could just get her to behave.

    @Kristen- Rofl, be sure to tune in next week. Hoping the new jar one blows the roof off the joint. It was a bit out there. Will be up on January 13th! Here's to 2012 and wonderful friends!xx

    @Roxana- Aw, that made me smile. Thank you so much. xx

    Jackie- It has and I look forward to more awesomeness. So glad I met you. xx

    @Elyse- Thanks so much. Happy New Year! xx

    @Anna- I am sure your kids will be foodies and you will get lots of memories in the kitchen. So glad to have met you and look forward to sharing more in 2012.

    @Magic of Spice- Thanks, I just had to do it. Lol! Happy 2012!

    @Eri- Thanks and Happy New Year!

    @Amalia- I am so pleased to have you join us here, always happy to have another follower. I sure hope you enjoy it here and look forward to getting to know you!

    @Soni- Thanks my dear, Happy New Year!

    @Zoe- Lol, I do cook a ton don't I. Look forward to getting to know you. Thanks so much for visiting. Happy 2012!

    @Tori- I am so happy to have you stop by my dear. I've been so absent lately. Can't wait to catch up with you. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I watched some of your clips from all the shows you guested on. You did wonderfully and I am so proud of you. You are a rock star. Love it! xx

  34. @Chic- I am so happy we met. Happy New Year to you as well. I sure hope you keep on keeping on, I love your blog. It inspires me to be more creative and do the pretty thing more. So thank you for that. You are amazing and your blog is fantastic. xx


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx