
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pistachio Coconut Meringues

Hi folks. Okay so this really has to be snappy today. It's mini-me's 18th Birthday today! Yup, 18 years ago she came into this world kicking and screaming and not much has changed in 18 years. Bah, she knows I am kidding. She is one of the quietest, shy people on the planet. But she does pack a punch. Or a poke, in my right arm, constantly, just because she knows it bugs me.

Quick story. Me and mini-me have an odd relationship. We spend oodles of time together, particularly with the horse. So we have developed a short hand when we talk. We also have inside jokes we irritate others with. Most are based on a tv show saying or a movie we've seen. I've told you before I have trucker mouth most days. I swear like a sailor. Not here as it's not appropriate. The kids don't as I hate when they do it. Yet minor words don't bother me. Anyhow our latest fave saying was from a tv show called Terminator, and yes it's twisted and mildy nasty. So the b word is not a big deal here as long as it's not used in a negative or mean way. Joking and silly is allowed, mean is never. So at Costco yesterday we walk in the store and mini-me looks at me and what I hear is "bitch, how's my hair". What she actually said is "dude, is my hair crazy". But I honestly heard it the other way. Needless to say I did a double take as we never talk like that in public. We ended up in stitches and it is now our new fave saying. Which is good as the previous fave saying was a bit more um, shall we say yikeys! So to mini-me:

"Happy Birthday kiddo! Bitch, how's my hair!"

Okay so enough scaring off the people who hate swearing. I mean it's always good to be inappropriate at Christmas when you have the potential of new visitors. Oops, forgot about that. Let's just say no harm, no foul. Moving on.

I made these little treats and had much fun with them. I had to use a recipe as I've never made them before. Turned out great. Hope you enjoy.

Pistachio Coconut Meringues:

Source- Fine Cooking Magazine: Holiday Baking


3/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup superfine sugar
Pinch of vanilla salt
4 large egg whites, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup unsalted and shelled pistachios, chopped medium fine
1/3 cup lightly toasted coconut (garnish)
3 tablespoons finely chopped pistachios (garnish)


Arrange your oven racks so they are on the top third and bottom third spots in your oven.

Preheat oven to 175 degrees. (low heat for meringues, cooked for a LONG time)

Line two baking sheets with parchment.

Now sift together the confectioner's sugar, superfine sugar and the salt.

Using your stand mixer with wire whisk attachment, combine egg whites and cream of tartar. Start on medium-low setting. It should become frothy.

Increase speed to medium high and beat until whites form soft peaks.

Now continue beating while gradually adding the sugar mixture.

Once all the sugar is in you turn it up to high and beat it until you have firm, glossy peaks.

Now add your vanilla and 1/3 cup pistachios. Blend for 10 seconds only.

Spoon meringue into a pastry bag. That bag should be fitted with a large star tip (#8).

Now pipe them onto a parchment lined sheets in the shape you want. Should space them about 1/2 inch apart.

Sprinkle on toasted coconut and the finely chopped pistachios.

Now pop them in the oven for 3 hours. I rotated the pans half way through.

Once the three hours are up, turn off your oven and leave them in there another hour.

Now you can remove them from the oven.

Serve immediately or store for later.

Hints and tips:

Plan ahead, this takes about 4 and a half hours. I managed to go to the barn while they cooked. Lol.

Sprinkle before baking. I forgot and had to do it after. Which is difficult. I had to spray them with water today and then sprinkle and I was so worried it would compromise the cookie.

You could mix this up with anything. Would be good with walnuts or almonds. Chopped cranberries or pom seeds. You could really do anything with them.

Okay that is all for now folks. Headed out to a movie with the family. Mini-me's bf is coming with. Should I sit in between them? I bet if I don't hubs will.

Oh and we finally get to meet B's gf this week. They've been dating quite some time now but she moved out to Alberta for a job before we got to meet her. So he's been dating someone for months we've never met. Which given our need to embarrass B at every possible turn might be a good thing. B is fun to tease. He gets angry face but is a good sport about it all. Sure hope she likes the lunatics in all their crazy glory this week. Holidays tend to heighten the madness. Excited to meet her, curious how long it will take me and mini-me to twist her vocabulary around.

Bitch, how's my hair?

Yup, welcome to the family.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. Bwahhh Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
    Love it!

  2. Oooh, big week for the B's! Happy birthday to Mini-you! Have fun with all the festivities...these cookies will make them even better!!!! xo

  3. Kim , that looks cute ! Love the addition of chopped pistachio & coconut flakes ! There's no time to fix your hair AGAIN , go sit between them ASAP hahahahahha

  4. Great post - great recipe - hilarious as always!

  5. Happy Birthday to Mini Me and I'm SO not surprised that there are pistachios on them! BTW you're hair is as amazing as you!




  6. @celiac- Thanks!

    @Lizzy- Thank you from me and mini-me!

    @Anne- Thanks and lol!

    @Debbi- Thank you!

    @Ann- Lol, me and my pistachios. I almost put them in potatoes today. I have problems. Lol, I probably scared off half my readers with this post. Lol!

  7. A very happy birthday to your daughter. I hope my daughter and I have a relationship like that when she's older. And the peringues look great! I love coconut and pistachios, but I'm not sure I've eaten then together before. I have a feeling I'd like it though!

  8. Beautiful! (And these look so seasonal / festive too!) Meringue is a great way to deliver pistachios in a dessert. Brava!

  9. because Im your new follower so.. does B is your Son? if it's so that will be a embarassing moment for him and a rave at once :D, sounds like your Christmas will be fun oh and happy birthday for your mini- you!


  10. I love your story about your daughter--hope she has a good birthday.

  11. @momdecuisine- Thanks so much. I am sure you will have that kind of relationship. Coconut and pistachio rock together. Love it. I also like coconut and cherry as well as pistachio and cherry. Those three pop up often here. Lol!

    @Viviane- Thank you. I love pistachios and would put them in everything if I could get away with it.

    @Note- Hey, yup B is my son who is 23. Mini-me is my daughter whoe celebrated her 18th yesterday. And you'll here me refer to my husband as hubs or C. I tend not to like using the kids names for privacy reasons. Although I doubt it really matters too much since there's the odd picture of them on here. Welcome to the blog and glad to have a new follower.

    @Cucina- Thanks. She had a great birthday. But she's sick as a dog today, poor thing.

  12. lol I am a new visitor here :) You made me laugh! I made meringues few days ago but didn't think of putting coconut or other stuff into them. I will have to try your idea. Yumm!

  13. @Crunchy Cream Sweet- So nice to have you here. Always love making people giggle. I was shocked when I found this recipe so I just had to take it for a test drive. Super yummy!

  14. Happy Birthday to mini-me!! These meringues are great! I how you spruced them up with the pistachios and coconut!

  15. @Stephanie- Thanks so much from me and mini-me. These are cute right. I had no idea how adorable these things are. Lol!Really love the pistachio inside. But then I'd like pistachio in anything, let's be honest. Lol!

  16. Quite possibly my two favorite things in a meringue. And yours held up! Mine always turn into tasty, but sad looking puddles...


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