
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spiced Holiday Punch- Guest Post by A Healthy Jalapeno

Hi folks. I have such a special treat for you today. I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I'm like a kid in candy store. Well, let's be honest I am worse than most kids so I'm like a Lunatic in candy store. I have a very special guest today. Laura from A Healthy Jalapeno is here with a yummy recipe for you guys. It's a cocktail which I know you folks never get to see here. I always feel bad I do not post more drink recipes. I am not allowed alcohol with my health issues but I always forget there are lots of wonderful drinks that can be made without the alcohol in them. So Laura is dishing up a gorgeous festive treat for us.

Before I let Laura take over first I should warn her, my nuttiness rubs off on people. I aim to corrupt humankind one recipe at a time. The hope is after Christmas Laura's healthy ways with influence me. For now I am one brownie away from needing a nap. 

For those of you who don't know Laura, she has a wonderful blog called A Healthy Jalapeno. She is a total goddess in the kitchen and is gorgeous as all get out. The love of her life has the same name as hubs. She has total cutie pie puppies. Laura makes healthy food look good and for me that says it all. I tend to lean to the indulgent side but every time I pop by her blog I am always amazed how she lives such a healthy lifestyle and makes me want to eat salad and lentils. Trust me folks, you have to have some talent to make the Lunatic want a lentil. Think Paula Deen and the whole tofu thing. Laura is always having fun and loving life. For me I enjoy reading blogs with that personal touch, the ones who share their lives with us. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we just wanted recipes we can get those anywhere. We read blogs for the personal connection. With Laura you will feel connected and part of her world. And what a delicious world it is. So without further ado, I give you the beautiful and talented Laura.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!!
I am so excited to be guest posting here with Kim. Her and I have been going back and forth during the holidays trying to decide the perfect date and dish to post but once we picked the date, my intrigue on what she wanted me to post became quite a fun game. 

Kim's suggestions were that I could do something holiday themed {tis' the season}, or possibly a yummy appetizer or dessert, and then she mentioned the word that lights up my holidays and brings me lots of cheer. COCKTAILS!
Now for those of you that follow me regularly, you know I am never shy to shake and mix up a fun cocktail {or two} and I frequently post some of the DIY liquors that I love like my recent Cranberry and Lime Rum, delicious. Especially around the holidays there is nothing that brings friends and family together like yummy festive cocktails. My family is famous for my little Pop pop's Eggnog but since that recipe is kept under a tight lid I shared a super healthy and delicious Eggnog and it was a hit with my co-workers.
Another favorite to add into the mix comes out at minimum, twice a year. Always on St. Patrick's day, some random times through-out the year, and then again for Christmas is my families Flawless Homemade Irish Cream, everyone goes banana's for it and it makes for a very personal and fun gift around the holidays as well. All you need to do is pour into a pretty bottle, slap a personal label on the front and top with some ribbons and bows, pair with two small rocks glasses and you have a very thoughtful and delicious gift everyone will love.

Not gifting anything this year? 

Are you like my friends and I where instead of gifts we just get together for some good food and lots of drinks?

Well this is where you can use any of the previous recipes I have given you here or throw together this spiced punch to bring to your holiday get together.
I was looking for non-alcoholic punch recipes that incorporated ginger ale and a little cranberry to bring out the bright red colors of Christmas for a work party and I found this amazing recipe. Needless to say it was good, but not great so I started to dabble to get the best spiced flavoring and bazinga, the perfect holiday punch.

I of course had this with champagne when I re-made this after my work party but it tastes just as well with ginger ale too. The spices and flavors of winter are all incorporated with the color and joy of the holiday. It's the best champagne holiday punch to date but be careful, the punch bowl will run dry pretty quickly so make sure to have extra on hand for your thirsty guests.
Spiced Holiday Punch
Recipe adopted from

1/3 cup white sugar
1 qt cranberry juice
2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
3 tbsp almond extract
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 bottle champagne (or ginger ale for non-alcoholic)
6 oz cranberries, for garnish

In a large container, mix together sugar, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, almond extract, . Refrigerate for 1 day.

To serve, pour juice mixture into a punch bowl or pitcher. Stir in champagne.
Thanks Kim so much for having me guest post and I hope you and all your wonderful readers enjoy my recipe and enjoy their holiday season.


Bazinga is right Laura. This is so gorgeous. I shall make this on Christmas and shock my family. They are not used to me serving cocktails and will be delighted to have some. This is so pretty and festive. The pictures are just stunning. Thank you so much for guesting today Laura. You were a pleasure to have. 

To my readers please make sure you stop by Laura's blog, A Healthy Jalapeno to say hi. I have to tell you she is a class act. When we discussed the date she was so accommodating. I knew this week would be crazy with Christmas and mini-me's birthday. So when I mentioned having her guest the day after mini-me's bash she was so sweet about. It freed up my time to hang with my family and not have to prepare anything for the next day's post. So a huge debt of gratitude to Laura for easing some pressure for me. It's our last year doing these things before B moves out to do his PHD so we are treasuring these moments together. I cannot thank Laura enough for allowing me some extra time with my family. 

Hope you are all ready for Christmas folks. I am still not ready but we tend to be late decorators so this is nothing abnormal for us. Tomorrow will be gingerbread day, did not have time today. So excited. Will post pics for you of the tress and house on Saturday. Until then don't yell at any Walmart employees. Just be thankful you are standing in line and not working behind the till at this time of year. I cannot imagine how mean some people are at Christmas and am always doubly nice to all cashiers this time of year. So think of the Lunatic when you are standing in line waiting to blow your top, take a deep breath and think "what would Lunie do?"

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. What a GREAT guest post and an AMAZING cocktail! I know everyone would LOVE it at my house! Thanks!

  2. These look perfect for a good holiday party :) I totally agree about the personal aspect being what makes blogs so special!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Kim!

  3. @Ann- Isn't it just lovely. I love the colour. I am going to try out the non- alkie version. I need to be more adventurous with my drinks. Thanks for popping by my dear.

    @Anna- Thanks so much my dear. I just love the blog connections we all make. I sure hope I can go to the Blogher or Foodbuzz festival next year. I would love to meet so many people. Hope you enjoy your holidays as well. xx

  4. Ooohh yumm...this is amazzing!!! Never thought about the almond extract though? wow that is so interesting! The colors are festive! I love it!

  5. WoW,,,this is fun drinks recipe for holidays or event,i keep looking at the pictures they are gorgeous,great guest post Kim,happy holidays to you all too :)

  6. Kim, I am so so grateful for all your sweet words. Just as you said it's the personalities and spunk that people have that draw us in and intruige. The way you right and the bubbly-ness you have leaps out from the computer and that's why it was a blast working with you on this. I am so happy you got to enjoy time with your family, but i have to be honest... the boy and I had quite a blast ourselves whipping up this punch a just a few oreo truffles {I have a bad indugence side sometimes too}!
    Thank you so so much for your sweet words and I hope you have a wonderufl holiday season!!!

  7. now that's my kind of drink! happy holidays!

  8. That's make me all merry and festive!! Looks delicious!

  9. What a fun cocktail and post!! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!

  10. This looks fabulous! The perfect drink for the holidays.

  11. @Samantha- It sure is beautiful right. I like the idea of almond extract. That stuff makes my heart soar!

    @Claudia- I wish I took as pretty of photos as Laura. Hers are so gorgeous. Happy Holidays my friend.xx

    @Ridwan- I am so happy Laura did a guest spot and did a cocktail. My blog lacks fun drinks so this was great to share with you all. Hope you have an amazing Holiday Season! xx

    @easyfoodsmith- So happy Laura agreed to do this.

    @Laura- Aw, you are so kind. I adore your blog and am so happy we got to work together. I love people who have spunk and a zest for life. Glad you had fun whipping this up. I think everyone needs to indulge from time to time. I so appreciate the time with my family. Mini-me is sick today so this worked out well. Poor kid.

    @Marina- I know right. I just want to dive in the glass.

    @Curry and Comfort- You too my dear. Hope Santa treats you well.

  12. @Happy When Not Hungry- I am totally making this one. My family will be so pleased.

  13. Hi Laura, nice to meet you :) This looks fantastic!
    Happy Holidays to you both

  14. This punch looks so great and with the champagne, it's right up my alley! Hope you had a great Christmas!

  15. Great guest post! Don't you love how pomegranate seeds make things instantly fancy and holiday-appropriate? :) Looks very tasty!


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