
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peppermint Éclairs: Guest Posting at A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis

Hi folks. Well today is a special day for me. I can be found over at A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis today. I have to say I was so thrilled Chef Dennis asked me. I was also seriously nervous. I do not usually get uptight over food. Yet I found myself struggling to decide what to make. I finally settled on these beautiful éclairs. I have never made them before, to be quite honest I don't do well with pastry in general. I was told rather bluntly once by my son that I am a better cook than baker. He's not wrong. While I love to bake more I have issues as it goes against my free wheeling style. Baking and particularly pastry is so precise, it's a science really when you get right down to it. So for me being the kind of person who does not measure, does not level and does not follow rules this poses a challenge. I knew going into this it might not work out so I had a back up ready just in case. I mean a girl's gotta plan ahead right. Well the baking went really well I must say. Yet the photos fell short this time. We had dismal weather, no sun at all. So I used my artificial light but it's too harsh. I've had some help tweaking pictures as my software skills are lacking. So thank you Ann and Chef Dennis for helping me make my food look as good as it tastes.

I hope you all will take the time to pop over to A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis today. This man is a class act. Always so helpful and kind. He was the first person at Foodbuzz to reach out to me. Since then he's become not only a mentor but a friend. If you have not read his Ask Chef Dennis series you must check it out. For those of us who are new it is so helpful to have someone who is willing to share information and help others out. Add to that this man can cook like no one's business. I am always blown away by what he creates. So make sure you pop over to check out my éclairs. While you are there make sure you hit the follow button.

So rush over folks to see my Peppermint Éclairs. I shall see you there.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. I love your note to Santa. You're so funny. These are gorgeous and look so tasty. Yum!

  2. It was an AMAZING post and the eclairs look delicious! For someone who claims not to bake - you sure did knock it out of the ballpark with this one! Congratulations!

  3. I was just over at Chef Denis' site. Great guest post Kim! I totally understand how one would feel a little intimidated, but you nailed it! Have a very Merry Christmas Lovely Lunatic!

  4. @Marina- Thank you so much my dear. I had a little fun with the photos. Lol!

    @Ann- Thanks doll, I love to bake but it's not always an easy thing for me.

    @celiacasaurus- Thanks so much. I can't help but feel a bit nervous. But I had fun doing it.

    @easyfoodsmith- Thank you!

  5. Congratulations on your fantastic guest post, Kim!!! You wowed me with these beauties!!! Merry Christmas, my friend!

  6. You did an awesome job on these gems! Bravo to you for stepping out of the box-especially on this guest post. Have a great day.

  7. Oooh! Heading over there now. These sound amazing!


  8. Do you have anything left on your blogging "to do" list? It seems like you've smacked' 'em all out of the park!

  9. Congrats Kim. I love Chef Dennis! These are beautiful and you are so patient, I don't think I could ever make and eclair. Happy Holidays.

  10. @Lizzy- Thanks so much. I had fun with this one.

    @Tina- Thanks my dear. I had to go out on a limb for this one.

    @Parsely Sage- Thanks. So happy you like them.

    @Apron Appeal- Lol, I surely do. Tons and tons of stuff still to make.

    @Dara- They were a bit intense but not nearly as hard as I thought they would be. Thanks so much.

  11. I'm sure you were nervous, but those are lovely eclairs. They are one of my favorite desserts, and I love the seasonal twist.

  12. It was a fabulous post, Kim. And those eclairs are stellar. I think I would eat a bowl of that filling if there were any leftovers.

  13. what a delicious guest post Kim! It was such a pleasure sharing my blog with you today!


  14. @Cucina- Thank you so much. I just wish my pics did them justice.

    @Kristen- Thanks my dear. It was good. Mini-me isn't a fan of the pastry cream so whipped is the way we go here.

  15. They sound like they are to die for! And congrats on guest posting over at Chef Dennis' site. That is a huge testament to your ability!

  16. @Dennis- Thank you so much for sharing it with me and being so kind. And for tweaking my lighting. Lol! I am so touched and honoured you asked. Was a total pleasure. xx

    @Tiffany- Thank you and thank you. You are so sweet.

  17. They sounds delicious! And I just love eclairs!! On my way over to CD now. Merry Christmas to you!!

  18. @Jen- Thanks so much. Merry Christmas my lovely friend. Hope Santa is good to you! xx

  19. Peppermint eclairs, how gorgeous, Kim!

  20. @Carolyn- Thanks so much. I had a blast making them. Merry Christmas Carolyn! xx

  21. Congrats on Top 9, Kim! You did it again ... with style! What a great Christmas gift!

  22. I'm not a huge fan of peppermint, but eclairs? Yum. Looks amazing!


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