
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Roasted Garlic and Reflections

Hi folks. I have a quick recipe for you. Before I get to that I'd like to take a minute to say thanks to everyone who supports me and my crazy blog. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You tolerate my ramblings, my nonsensical rants, my weird posting schedule, my veering off topic, my ugly pictures, and my strange sarcastic sense of wit. I finally found a place, other than mommyland, where I fit in. It's amazing to be able to talk to people who are as passionate about food as I am. You have welcomed me into your homes and hearts, for that I am ever grateful. After being an at home Mom for 23 years it is so nice to have something to call my own, a place where I can pursue my own passion, my own dreams. The fact that you all seem to be enjoying the ride with me blows my mind every day. I giggle to the family some days about the fact that I have fans. I mean it all seems so weird and surreal sometimes. I am loving the blogging community and enjoy my time with you all immensely. I had no idea I would love the writing aspect of it so much. I really am having a total blast most days. It's just such a joy to be sharing my world with people who are interested in it. So to you, my fans *insert giggle here*, I adore you and love you oodles and bunches for letting me be me, and still coming back for more day in and day out. I completely realize that was a run-on sentence and broke every grammar rule known to man but it's 4 am and I am getting loopy. Plus it irritates my son who's a creative writing/English lit student so that's a bonus. Irritating my children is also a huge passion of mine.

I hope you all have the most special Christmas ever. Spend time with those you love and live in the moment. Life is short, you have to seize every chance for joy you can. Don't sweat the small stuff folks, in the grand scheme of things it's all just small stuff. Relationships matter, stuff is just stuff. I hope you all spend time with those you love and remember what's really important this time of year.

I shall post some pics for you on Christmas day. Look forward to seeing how everyone else celebrated and what every whipped up. We're having honey bee ham. Honestly it's like heaven with honey drizzled over it. Pure joy!

Now on to a quick and easy recipe. I have posted roasted garlic before but this recipe is a bit different. Hope you like it. I am using it for mashed potatoes on Christmas. Yum yum! I also used some on a baguette the day I made it. Super duper yum!

Roasted Garlic Dutch Oven Style:


Whole heads of garlic (I used 5 normal sized ones and a huge one. More is better with garlic!)
Olive oil (lots, don't hold back)
1/2 to 1 cup of chicken stock
Salt to taste


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Cut the tops off your garlic. Leave the whole thing intact though, don't pull out the cloves.

Now place how many you want in a non stick spray dutch oven. Cut side up.

Drizzle the top with oil olive. I find more is better. The less is more thing doesn't apply to olive oil.

Sprinkle the top with some salt. Himalayan sea salt is nice.

Carefully pour in the chicken stock, making sure not to pour over the top of the garlic. Pour off to the side so you don't ruin the olive oil salty goodness.

Place the lid on the dutch oven.

Pop it in your oven for 35-45 minutes. Cooking time will depend on the size of your garlic. Start checking at 30 minutes is my suggestion. If you need more stock feel free to add more.

Remove from oven.

You can remove it by sticking a knife in or if you're a nutball like me you can just grab the whole bulb and squeeze it until all the cloves pop out. It is so fun to do.

Serve on bread, use in taters, or if you're a nutball like me you can just pop pieces right in your mouth like grown up candy. Yum yum!

Can you say OMG! This stuff rocks! I like it almost as much as pistachios and you all know the Lunatic loves some pistachios. Also FYI, buy a dutch oven. Not only do they cook like a dream they clean up in a snap. Just ask my son who does all my dishes. I am notorious for putting things back in the sink for him if I deem them "unclean". That can mean one teeny tiny little fleck of something. I mean come on now, who would not put it back if it had a small fleck. That's just bio hazard and will not be tolerated in this dojo! Anyhow, buy a dutch oven cuz they rock. And have some kids cuz they do dishes. Brilliant little nuggets of wisdom from your Lunatic. Peace out!

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. I just need some bread to slather that on.. YUM! It's been a pleasure getting to know you this year! Merry Christmas!! ~ Ramona

  2. Great post as always! I have never made roasted garlic before, ironic 'cause we love it! Have a beautiful Christmas, full of happiness and wonderful memories to remember :-)

  3. Roasted garlic is one of my favorite apps. Yum yum! Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas Kim! You are awesome and I am proud to be a fan.

  5. @Ramona- Thanks so much! I am so pleased we got to connect this year. The biggest thing I love about blogging is meeting folks like you. It's been a great adventure. Hope your Christmas is beyond perfection! xx

    @Ruth- I started making it maybe about a year ago. Honestly the easiest thing ever to make. Once you do it there's turning back. Merry Christmas to you and yours! xx

    @Marina- It's SO good, and good for you. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Look forward to a new year of cooking and gabbing with you. xx

    @Dara- Aw, that was so sweet. I got all welled up. You are made of awesome yourself my dear friend. So glad we connected through Ann. Hope your Christmas is wonderful and Santa leaves you all kinds of goodies! xx

  6. Yours is one of my absolute favorite blogs. I have really enjoyed "getting to know you" these past months. I like the way you write, your philosophy, and the photos of your wanderings and your food. Merry Christmas!

  7. @Debbi- Thank you so much. I am truly touched you like it. Merry Christmas to you too. May your belly be full and your tree overflowing.

  8. Merry Christmas, Kim! I love roasted garlic just by themselves ... just pop them creamy, soft, fragrant, mushy cloves right into my mouth. Watch out vampires! No kissy kissy after that tho ...

  9. Congratulations on being the best 9. I am already enjoying your blog and will gladly follow you! Plan on making these garlics for New Years Eve!

  10. @Ping- Thanks my dear, you too. Hope Santa spoils you and you have a great day! I am the same way. Garlic is the bomb.

    @1-2 Punch- Thanks so much. Always nice to have a new follower. Thanks for your kind words. And let me know how they turn out for you. My best advice is check them from time to time. Depending on the size of the heads your cook time and liquid may need adjusting. This is really good in mashed potatoes.

  11. I could write a long, wordy comment with lots of Christmassy prose, or I could just cut to the chase.....

    I love you, girlfriend. Merry Christmas.

  12. @Ann- Lol, I love you right back girlfriend! Merry Christmas! Hope Santa spoils you rotten and I'm hoping your getting what I think you're getting. Lol!

  13. Hi Kim! Just stopping by to wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season! And thank you for making me feel so comfortable and welcomed and for all of your support! You are such a rare gem to find in this world. And I look forward to sharing with you in the coming year! (I am going to toss you an email in the next day or so, too). Looking forward to your Christmas pics and hope that you have a great time! (AND....I love the roasted garlic!!!)

  14. @Anne- Thank you so much. Hope Santa is good to you and you get to enjoy lots of quality time with the family. You are so welcome and thanks for your kind words. I am glad to count you amongst my friends and look forward to a fun blogging year ahead of us. Also looking forward to your email, been wondering how you are. Talk soon.xx

  15. Merry Christmas Kim Bee!!! Wishing you all the best today and many blessings into the New Year!

    xo Emily

  16. Thanks so much Emily! That is so sweet of you! xx

  17. Is there anything as delicious as roasted garlic???!!! Mmmmmm. Merry Christmas Kim! And you know I love you and your blog :-D

  18. Merry Christmas Kim! I love the idea of roasted garlic. Smashing a couple of cloves in butter and slathered on toasted bread. Mmmmm.

  19. Roasted garlic... yummers!!! I bet it made the house smell amazing!

  20. Nice one Kim Bee, and Happy Xmas. I really enjoy your blog, keep at it! Anthony :)

  21. Roasted garlic is incredible! I usually add a bit more olive oil and use it on salads — it infuses with the roasted garlic flavour and is unbelievable! Happy holidays to you too!

  22. Glad to have you as a friend, I can always count on you for a few laughs as well as some tasty treats. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for 2012! Roasted garlic is a delicious favorite in our house-yum! Hope you are enjoying the holidays.

  23. Kim! You are amazing, I never thought to roast garlic in a dutch oven! Plus, it makes the whole house smell amazing. I need to find a Roasted Garlic Scented Candle.
    And I have only been in Mommy-land for about 21 months, but I feel you. It is so important to find your own non-mom-sentric place, even if it is just on the web!

  24. @Katherine- Thanks so much my dear. The feelings are so mutual. And not much else can compare to roasted garlic, except maybe melting chocolate. Lol!

    @Baker Street- Thanks. Now you're talking my language. Butter and garlic, I'm in love. Lol!

    @Laura- Omg it did. Love the smell!

    @Tor- Thanks my dear!

    @Fire/Anthony- Thank you so much. You are so sweet!

    @Eva- Ohhh, so trying that. Lol!

    @Tina- Aw, you are so kind. I do like to entertain, much to the horror of my family. I think I embarrass them a wee bit. Lol! Having a good holiday. Hope you are as well.

    @Jackie- Thank you. Lol, we should invent a roasted garlic candle, we'd be millionaires. Mommyland can be so much fun but you can get sort of lost in it. I am happy to be pursuing my own thing now. One day the kids will be gone and if I don't have other things to do I'm going to lose my mind. Lol!

  25. You know, I always wrap mine in foil, which is of course a waste of foil. What a good idea--I'll just pop it in a Le Creuset pot next time!

  26. @Cucina49- OMG you have a Le Creuset. I covet one of those. They are so pretty. Mine are kitchenaid and red and I love them but I still want a Le Creuset so I can say I have one. *falls down laughing* Oh and thank you. Lol!

  27. Hi Kim Bee! You really crack me up.. but then I agree with you.. I have always wanted a Le Creuset and while I Was n in San Francisco, I wanted to buy all of them back. It's just so EXPENSIVE here :(. You know, I am truly grateful for your support too. Though I don't have many readers, I do have a couple of you who constantly come knocking at my site. Though a photo paints a thousand words, none of us are perfect too. Always room for improvement ;). Happy NEW Year and I can't wait to see what you'll be up to the coming year. Huggsss, Jo

  28. Oh, YUM!!! I'm going to make this for our next mashed potatoes...I know the gang will love them! And you definitely have found your calling...I am happy to be one of your biggest fans!!!! xoxo

  29. <3 I' looking forward to much more of your lunacy!

  30. OMG! I love garlic, I love roasted garlic, I love fried garlic! I will have to try roasting it this way. Who knows if any of it will ever show up in a recipe or if I'll just have garlic breath for a month?!? LOL


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx