
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hamburger Soup for Slow Cooker Saturday

Hi folks. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. It's wicked cold and nasty here in Ontario. So I did what any wussy Canuck would do, I stayed inside all day with a warm blankie. Luckily I had nothing pressing to do today so I was able to just putz around the house in a ponytail, pajamas and puppy teasers, also known as slippers. After a week of running around like a crazy mama it was incredibly nice to chill out and be a bit lazy today. Or a lot. Don't judge!

I have to say the last month has been trying on my blogging. Those of you who blog may have noticed I am not my usual visitaholic self. Life has been crazy busy so my blogging has taken a bit of a hit. I think we've adjusted into our new routines now so life should ease up a bit. Which means I'll have more time for things like blogging, housework, the horse, and cooking up a storm. I was able to get in tons of visiting today so I am finally starting to feel back to normal. Routine for me equals more recipes for you. Win-win if you ask me.

Soup is not my fave thing to eat. I have to admit I am not much of a fan of most soups. If you were to ask me if I like soup I would tell you no. Yet a friend was telling me about a recipe like this and then by chance I happened upon a similar one in a new crock pot recipe tin I received for Christmas. I set it aside and forgot all about it. Then today I made up tacos for lunch and had some hamburger left. I was trying to think of what I could make for Slow Cooker Saturday with hamburger and this popped into my head. I needed a couple of ingredients but luckily that's the bonus of having older kids. I sent my son out into the cold to pick up the things I needed while I stayed warm and cozy in the house. Hey man if you wanna eat here at the Bee household sometimes you gotta pull up your bootstraps and go out in the cold. The price you pay for a scrumpious  meal. Seems like a fair trade to me. But then again I am the one sitting in the warm house, with a blankie, in a ponytail, pajamas and puppy teasers right.

Hamburger Soup a la Toasty Warm Lunatic:


Recipe adapted by Crock-Pot


1 pound of lean ground beef
1 cup thinly sliced carrots
1 cup sliced celery
1 package of dry onion soup mix
1 package of Italian salad dressing mix
Salt to taste
3 cups boiling water
1 (14 oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoon brown sugar
3 cups farfalle noodles, cooked
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
Fresh parmesan for garnish (optional)
Fresh parsley for garnish (optional)


Brown your ground beef in a large skillet or pan. Make sure you break up the meat well. Drain fat.

Place your carrots in the bottom of your slow cooker.

Place your celery on top of the carrots.

Now top with the cooked beef, soup mix, salad dressing mix, and salt.

Now add your water, tomatoes with juice, tomato sauce, soy sauce, and sugar. Mix well.

Turn your slow cooker on low and let cook for about 6 to 8 hours.

Now stir in your cooked pasta and parmesan cheese. Cook for another 15 to 30 minutes on high.

Sprinkle with fresh parmesan and/or parsley if desired.

Serve with a smile.

Tips and hints:

If you are pressed for time don't bother cooking your pasta ahead, just toss it in the slow cooker for about an hour/ hour and a half. Just saves you crucial time if you would rather hang with your kids or watch the real housewives of wherever.

The recipe calls for 2 cups of pasta but I used three, if you like soup you may want to stick to 2. I do not like overly liquidy things so 3 to 4 cups works better for me.

I added sugar but you don't have to. I just like things like this to have a bit of sweetness to them. Feel free to omit it. Maybe you are sweet enough without help, me not so much.

Make sure you remember all slow cookers cook differently. So I would always check your food at the lower recommended time on any slow cooker recipe. Also if you tweak things in recipes it can affect your cook time as well. Better safe than sorry and all that jazz.

After making this my thoughts are it would be really good with beans in it. Some nice black beans would be lovely in this.

The verdict is it was pretty good. For soup. I mean it's no chocolate souffle or anything. Sometimes we all need to put on our big girl panties and eat like adults. Except on days where the Lunatic declares it an unofficial snow day. Then you can eat turtles, after eights, rockets, potato chips, pistachios, gum drops and drink pepsi all day long. Not that I did that or anything. *rubs her tummy*

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. The pasta soup looks saucy and satisfying. I love it.

    1. Thank you so much. I liked it more than I thought I would.

  2. I am a big fan of soups.. not a fan of cold soups. I think this one would be a big hit with family. I was putzing around yesterday catching up on all my shows too.. Love those kind of days.

    1. I think for it was just growing up not eating them. I want to try a few more. I think as long as they have meat or beans I'd probably like them. Not cold though, I have never been a fan of those either. Aren't lazy days fun. I so enjoy them every now and then.

  3. That meal really looks ideal for cold weather! Very comfy and appetizing :-)

    1. Thanks Ruth. It's perfect for the cold. Only thing better would be eating it by the fireplace.

  4. This looks promising... perfect cold-day lunch. I might just try it!

    1. Thanks. I hope you try it out. Report back even if you hate it. I love feedback.

  5. It is damp and chilly here in Oregonand I can think of no better way to ward off the cold than with a soup like yours. It sounds wonderful. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your other entries as well. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

    1. I am so glad you came by Mary. I hope to see you often. If there's ever any questions you have or concerns feel free to email me any time. Thanks so much for your kind words. xx

  6. Like you, I'm not a soup fanatic. Lately, though, it seems to be hitting the spot. Yours looks like a keeper! Our oldest kid, by the way, moved away about the time she was old enough to go buy me a six-pack. The middle child is 15 and in no hurry to take driver's ed. You are one fortunate lunatic!

    1. I think I grew up as such a meat and potatoes gal that soup just never appealed. But the ones that have meat are starting to grow on me. Lol. I am lucky. My son is moving out this summer to his phd. My daughter is 18 and still has no drivers license I cannot fathom why. Maybe she's worried I'll send her to the store nonstop. Lol!

  7. Making a few veggie burger adjustments, I would definitely like to eat this burger turned soup on a rainy day :)

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Excellent, this would be good vegetarian. Let me know how it turns out.

  8. Say hello to tonight's supper! I'm going to add a can (or two) of cheddar cheese soup to the mix - Cheeseburger Soup...Hope it turns out! xo

    1. TRACY! I am so happy to see you here girl. Okay you have to let me know how it turns out with the cheese soup. I am dying to know. C and Bray would love it that way.

  9. I've never had hamburger soup, but I hear it's popular. Sigh. Once again I want a slow cooker. It's high time I move into a place with a large (even a full kitchen would make me happy in this half-kitchen one bedroom apartment!) kitchen so that I can waste money on lots and lots of toys!

    1. This is my first time, and it was pretty good. You need a slow cooker Kiri. They make small ones. I have a tiny one I use when I do girls chili separate from the guys chili. I have four, sad but true. Best toys to get are the kitchenaid stand mixer (OMG), ice cream maker and slow cooker. The next would be bread machine (OMG)and foreman grill. I also love my vac sealer, but that's only good if you buy in bulk like I do. I have never regretted any of these purchases. Now my rice cooker I hate. It does not make good rice. Oh and I forgot you also need a deep fryer and hot air popper. Lol. You should see my counters, I have no room to work due to appliance overload! Lol!

  10. This soup could definitely keep one toasty warm! Looks good and tasty. Alas, the weekend is gone and there too goes my time for crockpottery cooking. I will have to save this for next weekend!

  11. This does look delicious. I can't say I dislike soups, but I'm finicky about the ones I'll eat, and those are usually ones others don't like (like split pea and clam chowder). This looks fantastic. Really, very much so! I love my slow cooker.

    1. Thanks. My dad was a huge clam chowder fan. Slow cookers rock.

  12. Kim, I LOVE soups and this looks amazing! Your pictures are fantastic and I think this would be a hit at our house! I'm glad you had a relaxing day and are starting to catch up! You already know I'm a lover of routines!

    1. Thanks Ann. I definitely need a better routine. Working on it.

  13. I love this.... I totally have been in a crock pot sorta mood lol. I picked out 2 new recipes to make this week in my crock pot and I am pretty excited to see if it saves me a great deal of time lol. I will have to add this to my list of things to make it looks delicious and perfect for cold nights. :)

    1. I find some of the recipes don't save a ton of time. It depends on the recipe. But I like the idea of a slow simmer for taste. I also like that I don't have to babysit it like with the oven. That way we can go to the barn and still eat. Lol!

  14. Well, I do like soup and I know I would like this one too. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to run my errands :)

    1. Thanks. Lol, it is nice when they hit that age. especially when you realize you are missing an ingredient at the last minute. lol

  15. I have made cheeseburger soup, but this recipe is much healthier! I will need to try your version, it looks delicious. The crock pot method does have its bonuses also. Have a great day Kim!

    1. Thanks Tina. It's super good. I was sort of surprised I liked it.

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Cassie. My hubs really liked this one. Guys definitely like meat in their dishes.

  17. I made this and its delicious..the sugar helps cut down the acid of the tomatoes and I omitted pasta I have a gluten-free kid. Gluten-free pasta at times doesnt hold up as good. It is very delicious and we all cleaned our bowls. Thanks for a great recipe !~

    1. Lolly I just tried quinoa pasta and hated it. It just doesn't cook right like you said. I am blogging about it soon. This recipe really surprised me. I really enjoyed it. I am so glad you liked it. I love when people make things and give feedback.

  18. For a non-souper, you make a mean bowl of the stuff. Keep warm!

    1. Aw, thanks Kristen. You are so sweet. It was not only cold today but wet. Ick!

  19. This looks so yummy and filling! Now that its icy and cold I find myself craving soup every day.

    1. Thanks Dara. I feel the same, I just want stew or soup, hearty meals that will warm the belly.

  20. Hi Kim! Ohhh what a comforting winter dish! It's finally freaking cold in SF and I'm so ready for dishes like this. I'm putting my chicken back to the freezer and make this instead tonight! I don't have carrot and 2 of the mixes...Hope I can adapt...or else I'll have to cook again with the complete ingredients next time.

    1. Hi Nami, did you end up making this? Wondering how you adapted it. I bet it could easily be done without the carrot and just some spice in lieu of the packages.


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx