
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kaiserschmarrn – Emperor’s Mix/Nonsense: Guest Post by Healthy Foodie Travels

Hi folks. Today I have a special treat for you. Today is blog swap day! So what does this mean you ask? Well, it means the lovely and talented Kiri from Healthy Foodie Travels is going to be sharing a delightful recipe with you. Kiri is an amazing gal I met through blogging. She is fun, witty and always on point with her recipes. She shares many foods I have never heard of or seen. It is such a learning experience visiting her blog. The history and ties to travels always make me want to jet off somewhere fabulous for some local eats. Kiri is incredibly supportive of other bloggers and always has a warm embrace for everyone who visits. It's one of those blogs you come away from in a good mood, feeling like you can tackle any recipe put in front of you. For my part of this swap I shall be sharing Haupia Cake from Hawaii over at Kiri's blog. So be sure to pop over when you finish reading her post to see the scrumptious coconuty goodness I whipped up. There's even some pictures. Of me. I know right. Shocking for sure. Granted they are old and have some weird hair happening but they are pictures just the same. And now I hand the keys to the kingdom, or asylum as the case may be over to Kiri. Please give her a warm welcome.

I declare this Asylum my new property. Behold the German flags I have erected to mark my mighty claim! Cower and shiver at the prospect of my new eternal rule!
Just kidding. It’s blog swap day! I met Kim a while ago, and while she likes to think she’s crazy as can be, she really is just one of the sweetest, most helpful and kindest bloggers around.  That, and her dishes make me swoon. While Kim is nice enough to cook up some delicious Island food over on my humble blog, she invited me to do a guest post for her here, today. So let me introduce myself – I’m Kiri from Healthy Foodie Travels. I’m a 20-something expat German that dabbles with tuberculosis research when not eating, and I love to drool at all that Kim posts about. Normally, I focus on healthy dishes. Not so much today. Today we shall indulge, but to keep the traveling theme going, we'll indulge Austrian-style.

I present to you: Kaiserschmarrn. Literally, that means something like Emperor’s Mix if you look at it in Austrian German, though regular Germans would take it to mean Emperor’s Nonsense.  The closest description I can give you is caramelized egg pancake scramble. There’s a lot of overlap in cuisine in desserts between Southern Germany, Austria and Hungary, and this is a dessert I whipped up as a child when I would periodically take over the kitchen and dining room and pretend it was my own restaurant called “Chat Noir”. I’m serious. I painted menus and all. I can’t say it was always delicious, but there was always love in the dishes! Back to Kaiserschmarrn, or more precisely, Schmarrn for Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I (1830-1916). As the story goes, empress Elisabeth, a German, wanted lighter fare for her dessert, clearly being my kind of easily-gaining-weight lady. The royal chef attempted to obey, and came up with the here presented dish. The Empress took one bit, harrumphed and refused to eat the rest because it was too rich for her, and, if this is the royal chef’s best shot, I’m inclined to excuse her behavior. The emperor however did not, and in a show of superiority declared he would try the royal chef’s “Schmarrn” instead. Apparently he liked it, for he finished the plate and the dessert became a staple across Austria-Hungary and Southern Germany.

Kaiserschmarrn – Emperor’s Mix/Nonsense

Ingredients for one (large) serving:3 eggs
2 tbsp all purpose flour
½ cup milk
3 tbsp butter or butterschmalz
3 tbsp raisins
1 oz rum
¼ cup powdered sugar
½ cup raspberry or strawberry preserve

1. Soak raisins in rum for several hours. (This is important. Trust me. You want them well soaked!)
2. Melt butter in a pan over medium-high heat. (Look at it. Mmmm.)

3. Stir eggs with salt, then add flour, stir well, add milk, stir well. Add raisins, stir. (The mixture might appear a bit grainy, but trust me, it works.)
4. Pour batter into melted butter and cook until browned.

5. Flip, cook until other side is browned.
6. At this point, all the butter should be well cooked into the caramelized pancake. Scramble with a spatula.

7. Serve topped with powdered sugar and preserve. Feast like an emperor.

Okay, so was I right or was I right?? This gal can cook and entertain you. This dish looks delicious. I bet hubs would gobble this up right quick. Thank you so much for blog swapping with me today Kiri. It has been a pleasure. Folks I encourage you to follow Healthy Foodie Travels . You will be so glad you did. This lady is amazing. 

Make sure you stop by Kiri's blog to see what I made for her. It's a traditional Hawaiian dish that will blow your mind. It looks like this:

This is a Haupia sponge cake.
I also did traditional Haupia in bite size squares.

Toodles and smoochies.xx


  1. Wonderful recipe,Kiri. I love eggs, any form. You have me another reason to love it more by giving a sweet recipe.

    1. She did such a lovely job with this one. My hubs would gobble this up in a new york minute.

    2. I love how versatile eggs are :)

  2. What delightful nonsense! Delicious too, I might add :D Great guest post, Loony ... I mean, Kim. Great post, Kiri!

  3. German cuisine is something I have very little knowledge about, so it is good to come across an informative post like this. I have never seen this type of preparation before but it does sound delicious! Glad to see you here on Kim's blog Kiri-great guest post.

    1. It's fascinating to learn more about it. Love learning more about the culture behind the meal. Kiri is such a great guest. Loving having her.

    2. Thank you! :) I'm so happy Kim is hosting me today!

  4. Thank you so much for having me, Kim! And gosh, you have me in a blushy puddle with all your compliments! <3 Thank you so much, darling! :)

  5. Kiri, how yummy! A caramelized, eggy pancake? This reminds me of a dish my mom used to make for a special breakfast treat. I never knew you dabbled in TB research? At the Cleveland Clinic? Very cool. Kim, love both these posts :)

    1. Yep, I do! At Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals. We have a partnership with a Ugandan clinic, too.

      What is your mom's cultural background? :)

  6. Kiri - you've done it again! I always learn something with your posts. This looks really good -- and easy :)

    1. Easy is the best way to go. Even I could make this one. Which is appealing.

    2. Haha, thanks! I made it at age 7, so it's doable ;)

  7. PS: So many good recipes to check out on here -- awesome stuff!

  8. Oooo, Kiri! This looks like something I would LOVE.
    Thanks for the recipe! :) :) :)

  9. Love Keiserschmarrn! It speaks of vacation on the alps!

    1. I have never had it but I think I should whip it up for my hubs.

  10. What a great dessert! I could never imagine something like this but I really want to try it. Fabulous guest post.

  11. Great guest post Kiri, the Emperor's Mix looks delish. Love your blog, and the cool info and unheard of food items even the scary ones, hehe. Thanks Kim for featuring Kiri.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Suzi! :) I am glad you enjoy my a-little-out-there posts!

    2. It was a total pleasure having her here. Thanks so much for visiting.

  12. This is such an awesome recipe - and I love the concept if a blog swap day :P
    Fabulous guest post!!!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Fudgy No Bake Fridge Biscuits

  13. Kim-another great guest post!! :) Kiri is amazing and I love her take on food. Very enjoyable read... and recipe! Have a great day! :)

    1. Thanks Ramona. I was so touched she agreed to do it.

  14. What a great guest post! Your are both awesome, glad to see you swapping today!

  15. I've never heard of Kaiserschmarm before but this sounds amazing! I love anything eggy & pancake like! Sounds like something I might be able to whip together this weekend! Thanks for the recipe Kiri!

    1. My pleasure! If you do, let Kim and I know how you liked it!

    2. Dying to know how it turns out.

  16. I've never heard of this dish, but I love it! Will stop by and check out the haupia too.

    1. Always a pleasure to have you stop by. Hope you liked the haupia.

  17. This sounds pretty good to me. I'm guessing that it's a bit like a thicker crepe? I love finding fun new foods like this dish. Thanks!

    1. It's a lot thicker, and has a much higher egg to flour ratio, so it's not quite the same. Let us know what you think if you try it out!

    2. I am the same way Mary. I just love foods that are a bit on the unique side. My diet is too Americanized.

  18. What a lovely meals you've made! That hard-to-pronounce- Kaiserschmarrn dish is amazing. Going to see Kiri's blog...

    1. Lol, I had to google it to try to figure out how to say it. Hubs is going to love trying this one.

  19. Both of you posted such unique dishes! I can't wait to try them out. I'm also impressed you can spell either one - that's a mouthful. No pun intended... :)

    1. Rofl, that cracked me up. They are both a bit out of the box and hard to pronounce. Lol!

  20. Great sharing by Kiri and what a creative recipe to go with the name its called.

    1. Thanks for coming by. Kiri is amazing. Adore her like crazy.

  21. Looks like food for a king! Err... Emperor, err...Kaiser. Anyway, looks good! I'll have to go have a gander at your cake as well!

  22. A dish like this might actually get me to like eggs! Butter and raisins make everything better. Thanks for a great post.

  23. Loving your guest post on Kim's blog, Kiri. What an amusing story about the emperor

    Tell me, what is butterschmalz? I love that word and want to say it over and over! I should encourage my daughter to look at this, too, as she's started learning German at school. Bet if she talked about Kaisershmarrn she'd get some impressive looks from the teacher :-) Le Chat Noir? That sounds so cute - love your restaurant!

    Off to check out Kim's Hawaiian dish... Great idea ladies and have a super weekend.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm loving posting here, Kim is the greatest host!

      Butterschmalz is butter from which protein and water have been removed, somewhat like clarified butter/ghee. Haha, I am sure she would get an A plus!
      Thank you, I was the proudest chef/owner/waiter, and my parents were nice enough to always praise the food.

      You too!

    2. Thanks so much Jill. Always happy to have you stop by. And it's easy to host Kiri, she's a total sweetheart.xx

  24. I love both the dishes! I love the name of Kiri's dish ;)

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks for coming by. We really appreciate it.

  26. I love any dish that's meant to come out looking imperfect! Make my job so much easier!

    1. Shhhh, don't tell everyone why I made this! ;)

    2. Lol you've given away the secret to success in the kitchen. Simple always better. Thanks so much for coming by Jen. Loving having you visit.xx

  27. lovely post Kim there are 2 giveaways for Canadians in my site please enter it and let others know as well thank you Akheela
    this looks delicious

    1. Hey girl, I shall surely pop by tomorrow. There are so few open to us Canucks. My daughter is up in the Toronto area this weekend. She is visiting a friend at the U. We might be up late spring again if you'd like to meet up for lunch or coffee.xx

  28. Kiri! I'm so happy to see her over here. I adore her blog. Great seeing her do a naughty dessert over in Crazytown. Awesome blog swap, Kim!

    1. There's gotta be naughtiness every once in a while ;) When I bake, I bake German-style. Which is to say with Paula Deen style butter amount!

    2. I fell down laughing at the Crazytown comment. SO funny! I love Paula Deen. Butter rules.

  29. What a great idea this blog swap the emperors dish, and the culinary tale behind it. Makes it even more delicious! Thank you Kim & Kiri for sharing the yumminess!

    1. Thank you so much for coming by. I love seeing new faces on the blog.

  30. I would have never thought about doing this with eggs! It looks really yummy though!

    1. She is a wiz with creativity. My hubs is going to want this next time I do brunch I am sure of it.

  31. I'm late catching up with my FoodBuzz emails - but I've got to say I love both Kiri and Kim! This looks delicious...I've saved it for future investigation :-)

    1. Yay! :) You must let us know your results when you investigate! ;)


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