
Friday, February 10, 2012

Chocolate Cake Popcorn

Hi folks.

Fun with Jars Friday is back!

With a vengeance!

Of the sweet variety!

Sweet vengeance!

Is there any other kind!?

So I made this. Then realized it was Friday. So I quickly threw it in a jar. Cuz I am nothing if not uber prepared and organized. And we're off. To this week's Fun with Jars Friday!


You are not seeing things!

Do not adjust your screens!

I got a little girls gone wild in the kitchen!

But in a good girl kind of way!

Cuz that's how I roll!

So I have been on a popcorn craze the last couple of days. I have about 3 more recipes for you over the next week using popcorn. I tend to get a bit ocd about stuff.


You know...

Turtles for example! I made Turtle Bark, Turtle Ice Cream, Turtle Banana Split. I even have some Turtle Popcorn coming at ya tomorrow.

But first there is this one.

Cuz it rocks,

Your socks,

Right off!

You're welcome!

The inspiration for this one started with a popcorn I was whipping up that went awry. I have tweaked it and it will go up on the blog soon. In the process I got mad and decided to google that popcorn. I found what I was doing wrong and then followed a link to another popcorn that blew my mind. Cookies and Cups did a Red Velvet Version that is absolutely amazing. So then I thought okay I can do that one. But then I thought well she just did that one so that's not cool, maybe I can adapt it a bit. So this is what I came up with. I just happened to have some chocolate cake lying around. And let's just say you know you're a foodie when you can say things like "I just happened to have some chocolate cake lying around". So I tweaked the ingredients a wee bit and this is the result.






Chocolate Cake Popcorn:

Source: Cookies and Cups


4 cups popped popcorn

1 and 1/2 cups crushed cooked chocolate cake

3 ounces semi-sweet chocolate squares


Pop your popcorn and place it in a bowl that has some extra room in it.

Now in a double boiler, melt your chocolate.

Pour the chocolate over the popcorn and then toss it with a spoon to coat it really well.

Now sprinkle the chocolate cake crumbs over top and stir again.

Now pour it out onto a cookie sheet and separate it as best you can.

Let it dry out.

Thank you to Shelly from Cookies and Cups for the inspiration. I only changed out the type of cake and the type of chocolate. I think the possibilities for this one would be endless. So go crazy girls. But in a good girl way. Cuz that's how we roll up here in the asylum!

Stay tuned for another popcorn recipe coming your way soon. I have a new obsession. Goodness help me, I need to pull out the stretchy pants this week. This is not going to end well.

Oh and a little bit of blog happenings. The Wild Rice Pizza I made caught the attention of Jennifer who cooks for SheKnows. She has made my recipe and has given me a shout out on the site. I was pretty stoked. Feel free to stop by there and say hello. You can find Jennifer's version on the SheKnows site.

Chocolate Cake Popcorn is linked up at Katherine Martinelli's Valentine's Day Blog Hop.

Toodles and smoochies. xx


  1. Dear Kim, What a fabulous and fun idea! I bet it is delicious! Blessings, Catherine xo

    1. Aw, thanks Catherine. You are so sweet. It is really good. I may need to give some away to keep myself from needing new pants. Thank you for visiting. xx

  2. Oh my! I have never even heard of chocolate cake popcorn! Sounds like an out-of-this world treat! My husband would love this one :) Thanks for sharing, Kim!

    1. It is really good. So glad I tried it. More popcorn coming soon. Lol!

  3. Mmmm. I love this. I have a stretchy pants too, can I come in?! :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Absolutely. We'll have a stretchy pants party. Enjoy your weekend too. xx

  4. I'm in popcorn heaven !!!!! lol It looks really yummy and 'tis great idea to put it in that mason jars ;)

    1. I swear everything is cute in mason jars. They are just too darn adorable. Popcorn heaven sounds like my kind of place.

  5. You just made eating chocolate cake on a road trip SO much easier!! I adore everything about this recipe :) lol and I love the fact that you just happen to have chocolate cake lying around ha ha haha ;)

    1. Lol, I never thought of that. I'll have to bring some when I come down to Toronto in Spring/Summer. We can chow down while we gab. I seem to have that happen alot. I see a recipe that requires some other thing to be made and I'm like oh I just happen to have cake, or muffins, or cookies, or salsa, or pizza dough. It scares me actually. No wonder I need to lose a few pounds. It's like a restaurant fridge here at the house.

  6. Oh my! I'm not a popcorn eater, but my wife would probably wrestle the jars from your hands! ;) I love your jar recipes. Always so pretty, too!

    1. If it's this one she might win, but if it's the turtle one I'm gonna have to win that one. I love a gal who loves popcorn. And wrestling. Geez I sound like Dean from Supernatural right now. I need to stop watching so much tv. It's rotting my brain. Mason jars rule. SO does popcorn.

  7. We're bestowing the Versatile Blogger Award upon you. :) Enjoy your blog very much! :)
    Chicago Foodie Sisters

    1. You ladies are so sweet. Thank you so much. What an honor. xx

  8. Holy bet I'll marry you. Forget the ring, give me this popcorn!

  9. This sounds like the ultimate salty-sweet treat! Perfect for Oscar night... I wish I had some chocolate cake lying around! :-D

    1. It is so sad that I had some lying around. I need an intervention at this point. This would be perfect for Oscar night.

  10. Perfect popcorn recipe to try for when my Little Man gets home from vacation while we watch Lion King.

    1. Aw this would be such a treat for a youngster. And perfection while watching the Lion King. I adore that movie. Me and mini-me who is 18 went to see the remastered version at the theatre. It was 200 kids, and us. So funny!

  11. I was cruising blogs last night and saw your comment on Cookies and Cups so I knew there would be something fabulous here today. Cake coated popcorn has got to be the craziest, yummiest, est-est thing I havest ever seenest (had to through a couple extra -ests in there to get my exuberance across)

    1. Omg I had that moment of "AH HA!" like I did when Ann told me about Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. I swear I could hear harps when I came across it, it's such an amazing blog. It always amazes me how long it takes me to stumble on some of these sites. Then it's like where have you been all my life. Lol! And I agree, she's a genius, cake popcorn is the coolest, craziest, easiest, most deliciousest, yummiest, tastiest thing in the worldest!

  12. This. Is. Awesome. !!! I don't know when, and I don't know how, but I am going to make this someday soon and eat it all by myself. No sharing. None. At all.

    1. Lol, I would like a video of you hiding in the closet eating it so no one knows. I promise not to put it on youtube. Pinky swear. xx

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks. Full credit to the rocking Cookies and Cups for the inspiration. My life will never be the same.

  14. Honestly, I don't know if I would have sacrificed a chocolate cake for this. But since it's your cake, I'll be right over for the stretchy pants party. I'm going to have to get stretchy pants because the skinny jeans are getting tight from reading your blog! :)

    1. It's funny but we're not huge cake eaters. Usually I make one and only half gets eaten. Unless it's cheesecake. Then I knock them all out and lock them in the closet till I finish it all myself. I say bring on the stretchy pants! I have not worn skinny jeans or been skinny in a REALLY long time. I really should lay off the sweets a bit and get in shape. But then stuff like this happens. Clearly I am possessed.

  15. Wow, that sounds fabulous...and easy...I like easy!

    1. Thanks. Easy is the best way to do anything. I find the less steps the more chance more people are willing to make it. Complicated is over-rated.

  16. So simple and effective - need to make this ASAP!!! :D
    Another wonderful post!!!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: 3 Layer Brownie Cheesecake

  17. I love this idea. I have been on a popcorn kick too. Cheddar and Caramel are my top choices thus far. I just ate a boatload of caramel corn. I think it just might be my dinner.

    1. Lol, I am so glad I am not the only popcorn fiend. I made more tonight. I need an intervention.

  18. Wow what a great idea! And I think red velvet would be fun to put in jars too! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Thanks so much. I agree. I think anything looks good in jars.

  19. Still thinking about your beef and shallot sliders but need to eat something lighter. I was thinking popcorn and this totally would hit the spot!

    1. Lol thanks. I love when a recipe lingers on people's minds. Popcorn rocks. And it's good for you. Just pretend it's plain, with no chocolate on it. Lol!

  20. It is one of the simplest but coolest recipes ever! Good Job, Kim! :D

  21. Oh, I could live off of popcorn. Cheese popcorn for dinner, chocolate cake popcorn for dessert. I'm patiently waiting for that turtle popcorn ;)

    1. I know right. Popcorn should be a food group. It's coming my dear. I took the pics today. I have one regular version then a day or two later will be the lunaticified version. Rofl!

  22. Ooh now you've inspired me. I have some leftover Dulce de Leche and chocolate. I think I'm going to drizzle that over some popcorn. That could be a nice little Valentine's Day treat to snuggle up and share with my honey.

    1. Perfection! You must try it and let me know how it turns out. I did another one with candy melted on it and it is killer good.

  23. Now that is decadence! Shelley always has fantastic recipes and I love your version.

    1. Thanks Dara. I am new to her blog and was blown away by her recipes. I will become a regular over there now. She's remarkable.

  24. WHATTTTTT?!! Chocolate cake popcorn?!!! You rock my world, Kim!

    1. If I don't stop eating all this junk I shall literally rock the world with my giant butt. I need to eat more salad. Lol!

  25. The popcorn looks terrific! Congratulations on being featured on She Knows...that's HUGE, girlfriend!

    1. Thanks Ann, it was so good. And thanks. I was so floored she made my dish. Pretty amazing.

  26. I want this RIGHT NOW. I love popcorn in all varieties - but mixed with cake? Damn.

    1. Lol, it is really good. I am over run in popcorn right now.

  27. I love all different flavors of popcorn but, never thought to take it to this level. Job well done thanks for sharing.


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx