
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mini Pulled Beef and Shallot Sandwiches

Look at that beefy, shalloty goodness!

Hi folks. Want a bite?

It's really good.

I ate three just while I took the photos.

Let's not even talk about how many I ate after.

So the photos are not stellar. But the sandwich is. I can assure you of that. Cuz I ate 5. So I am an expert. Okay so maybe 6. Supreme expert then right.

This is a simple recipe. I just used a small roast and a few ingredients. You can enhance this by searing your meat before you pop it in the slow cooker. You do not have to if you do not have time. But coming from the expert I say do it. The extra 10 minutes will pay off later when you eat 8 of these. Not that I would ever eat 8 of these, 7 maybe but never 8. I have limits.

I had to flip this one upside down cuz it was somehow easier to eat that way. Lol!

Okay so we've decided you are searing this and eating 8 of them. Now off you go. Get in that kitchen and set it and forget it. Gotta love slow cookers. They work their little tails off. Not that they have tails. Well, I mean they kind of do. I suppose the cord could be considered a tail. Hm.

Apparently I forgot to take my meds today. The mind wanders. Sorry. Now go make Mini Pulled Beef and Shallot Sandwiches. And eat 9 of them.

This was got squished during research, you gotta do research to become an expert!

Mini Pulled Beef and Shallot Sandwiches:


2 pound blade roast
Olive oil
1 cup chopped shallots
Salt to taste
1 cup water
1 heaping tablespoon of Better than Bouillon Vegetable Base
1/2 cup barbecue sauce

Mini burger buns or rolls


Chop up your shallots. Set aside.

Take a good quality pan and place it over medium-high heat, spray with a little non stick spray, and add a little olive oil to the pan. Let it get hot. Now carefully place the meat in the pan and brown all sides of it. I use tongs and a splatter screen to make life easier and less painful.

Once it is ready place it in your slow cooker.

Now in the same pan add some olive oil and toss in your shallots. You want to cook them long enough that they just start to brown up a little bit. Now slide these into the slow cooker on top of the meat.

In the same pan again, pour your water and bouillon and bring it to a boil. As it is boiling scrape you pan to get off all the bits and pieces the roast and shallots left. That is where your extra flavor is. It's a step worth taking. Once it's boiled and scraped pour it in the slow cooker.

Add some salt to the slow cooker.

Now cook it on low for about 5 to 6 hours. Keep a close eye on it as every slow cooker is different. I would start checking it at 4 hours.

About 30 minutes before it's done pour your BBQ sauce in it, stir and let it cook for the remaining time.

If for some reason it's not thick enough for your liking pop it in a pan and fry it over medium heat until it thickens up. Uncovered seems to thicken better.

Once it's ready you can scoop it out and pop it on mini burger buns or rolls. I used mini rolls and they were fab.

Serve with a messy smile.

And only eat 10!

Honestly you're gonna eat 10!

So good. I mean get the camera dirty and drop food all over the floor kind of good. Not that I did that or anything. I am a professional after all.

A word of advice from the expert, if you pile them this high you only need to eat 5....cuz they're twice a big. professional!

Toodles and smoochies. xx


  1. Just showed this to my hubby and he's drooling...yum! Thanks for the pulled beef recipe, I'll try this over gluten-free bread. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I love making people drool. It's like the highest praise for a foodie. You guys will love it. Hubs had the leftovers on toasted bread and loved it.

  2. It sounds like a really dangerous stuff if you can't stop eating them :D don't even tempt :)

  3. Oh boy does this sound delicious!! I love these types of sandwiches and the addition of shallots is genius!

    1. Thank you so much. I adore shallots. I think they are so under-used. The taste is so much better than onions.

  4. Holy cow Kim! That picture of the pulled beef on the bun with the top of looks so's going to make me eat 10 of these!!!! And the fact that it's made in the slow cooker is such a plus! YUM! : )

    1. Thanks so much Anne. I love this one. It's easy and tasty. My fave combo.

  5. Pulled beef and shallot?, damn that sounds good.

    1. Thanks so much. I love shallots. I put them on everything.

    2. It looks really really mouthwatering !!!! I love shallots and paired with that beef ? PERFECT ;D

    3. Thanks Anne. I love shallots with roast and sandwiches. So good.

  6. A slow cooker is on my kitchen gadgets wish list and this recipe looks like the perfect excuse to go get one. Love shallots. I could totally see serving this with my homemade cole slaw. Now you said I'm not supposed to eat more than 11, right?

    1. They are so worth it. I think I have 5 now. I get them as gifts. One is starting to get wonky with temperature so it's on it's way out. Shallots are the bomb, I love them. If you eat 12 I'll still love ya. I'm cool like that.

  7. Oh, how I could go for one (or seven) of these right now! I love the addition of shallots too.

    1. Thanks, they really were yummy. The shallots kick it up a notch as Emeril would say.

  8. LOL :D You're hilarious! Have I told you that before? Oh what! Only a like a million times! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sandwiches... I could eat... seven! Do you do home deliveries?

    1. Lol, thanks. I love hearing it so feel free to say it every time. These are super yummy. Wish I did deliveries. Then I'd stop eating it all myself.

  9. It's only 6:30 am here and I want one ofthese sandwiches so badly. Looks like I'm headed to the store

  10. It is THIS that the slow cooker was meant for... YUM!

  11. I enjoy the taste of shallots. This sounds so delicious. My mouth is watering. I really need to get a slow cooker. Going on my list of kitchen wants.

    1. You must, so worth the money. They even have little ones now that are cheap. I have different sizes. I honestly need a slow cooker intervention.

  12. Yes, Kim.. I want a bite. I would love to eat this sandwich! Sounds like a great way to fire up that slow cooker :)

  13. I have a roast in the freezer I was thinking about "what to do" with it. I think this might just be the answer! Thanks ;-)

    1. You should try it. It is really worth it. SO yummy!

  14. Sure I would love to have a bite, unfortunately I don't eat beef.I liked your last picture, yummy!

    1. Do you eat pork? You could do this one with pork easily. Thanks so much. I had fun with the pics.

  15. I have always made pulled pork sandwiches in the slow cooker. The beef recipe certainly sounds good. You should call them sliders. Then it is perfect legit to eat 5, 6 or 10. :)

    1. I was gonna call them sliders but I have another recipe coming up that is a slider too so didn't want to confuse everyone. Lol. Totally legit right. Now 15 might be pushing it.

  16. Please serve these at our wedding reception and at the commune afterwards... every day. I will try to restrain myself and only eat eleven.

  17. Well, they were small sliders! Five would be OK. :) Great recipe!

    1. Lol, see you are talking my language. Minis mean eat more. Universal rule!

  18. These would get rave reviews from my gang! And I'm sure they'd all eat more than you :)

    1. Ya but it would take all of them to match one of me. Bah ha ha! Thanks doll. xx

  19. Oh Dear, I need to make this one for my husband and son to please them on V-Day. I want one too! And I don't even eat the meat! See what you are doing to me?! Lol

    1. Oh goodness gracious please do not eat these. For the love of all that is vegetables walk away girl.

  20. Oh, Kim! This looks fantastic! Ya that I think about it, I guess the cord IS the tail of the slow-cooker! Gotta love them - they're awesome....and so is this sandwich!

  21. Hah! If only you weren't so far away, I'd help you out with the slow cooker intervention. Toss one over! Mine just died on me. *sob*
    Congrats on top9, Kim. The little squished up one made it!! :D

    1. You should hop on a plane. Like today. Like now. I have like 5 slow cookers in my cupboard. Lol!

      I cannot believe the squishy sandwich made top 9! Cool but weird! Lol!

    2. Um, I do believe it's much cheaper for me to just go buy one from our local store :) But thanks for the offer!

    3. Ah but then you miss out on seeing me. That's priceless.

  22. I find putting sandwiches like this on mini buns makes me feel like it's perfectly acceptable to eat 8, 9 or 10 of them!

  23. These look insanely good! I would so eat 5 of these for dinner!

  24. Very cute! Love the mini aspect, while still having it positively loaded :)

    1. It's all an illusion. Make people think they are watching how much they eat by giving them mini's then putting the beef of a full sandwich on a mini-bun. It's pure evil, er, genius, er, evil, er....

  25. Can't tell you how excited we were to check back in with Foodbuzz and see you in the Top 9! You go girl! Great recipe, great shots!

    1. Aw you guys are so sweet. I appreciate it. I owe you an email. *sorry*

  26. I love pulled pork sandwiches! And you can't go wrong with shallots, I have the weirdest fascination with them. Congratulations on another great Top 9 post! Buzzed ya <3

    1. I LOVE shallots. Like to the moon and back. They are like the perfect little item. I always think of them as a cross between an onion and garlic. I can't eat enough of them. Hence why I buy them in bulk at Costco.

      Thank you!

  27. Thank you to everyone who buzzed this post! I was so elated and shocked to see it go top 9! You folks rock my socks! Much love, your Lunatic.xx

  28. Congrats on Top 9! I really like the combo of beef and shallots. YUM!


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