
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lunatic Loves These Links- Feb 1

Hi folks. Hope you are enjoying your week. They seem to fly by these days. Always so much to do. Been a crazy week here so far. I love my life because it is never dull. I always tell people I'd rather be busy than bored. Good thing I actually mean it. On Monday I had to go for an allergy test. I have a pretty wicked case of IBS, the thought was maybe it was not actually IBS and was something called mast cell disorder. So after a gazillion picks in my arm, an ice pack on my other arm to inspire hives, a scratch on my back to also inspire hives, and a weighted bag hanging off my arm to inspire more hives, we discovered I am not actually allergic to anything at all. And nary a hive in sight. So basically 2 hours of my day and a gazillion holes in my arm to learn nothing new. Back to my gastro guy I go. *sigh*

I actually totally love my gastro guy. This dude is wicked cool. He looks and sounds exactly like James Earle Jones. I adore James Earle Jones. Years and years ago I went for my first colonoscopy, one of many now. I was super nervous the first time and asked my friend Tracy to take me to the test. We joked on the way up about how much the doctor looks and sounds like my pal James. So she dared me to do the Lion King line. I did not. I mean who wants to embarrass themselves by doing the Lion King voice. I mean I am a grown up. I am mature. So as I started to get loopy from the meds I kept my dignity intact and did the Darth Vader voice instead. As I slipped under I did the infamous "Luke I am your father". To this day I am known as the Darth Vader lady at the doc's office. They all laugh about it. So embarrassing! Like I said, never dull!

Don't ya just love my stories. Honestly I have a million stories where I have embarrassed myself completely. It's like a gift. Or a curse. Whatever.

On to my weekly linky love session. I adore sharing the stuff I come across on the web each week. There is such a great array of blogs out there. The recipes are so creative and inspiring. I hope you enjoy this week`s Lunatic Loves These Links.


Better Than Milky Way Bars: Guest Post by That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Lunatic's Garlic Beef Stew or Why Vampires Won't Attack You Tonight

Fruit Salad with Vanilla Syrup, Pink Yogourt and Pistachios: Guest Post at Cooking Healthy For Me


It's Yummilicious

Three Many Cooks

Gourmande in the Kitchen


La Phemme Phoodie- Drunken Mini Cherry Cheesecakes

Simply Scratch- Blood Orange and Honey Sorbet

Brown Eyed Baker- Cherry Coke Float Cupcakes

The German Foodie- Home Made Puff Pastry Shells

The Dusty Baker, Guest Post on A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis- Meyer Lemon Coconut Cake

A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis- Triple Chocolate Pecan Fudge Brownies

Scientifically Sweet- Fig and Pistachio Cornmeal Biscotti

Gingerbread Bagels- Frosted Chocolate Cookie Bars

Scarletta Bakes- Spicy Corn Egg Rolls with Avocado Crema

Picture Perfect Meals- Sweet Potato Ravioli with Maple, Brown Butter and Sage

Cooking Healthy For Me- Hawaiian Bars

Sandra's Easy Cooking- Stir Fry With Rice

Wanna Be A Country Cleaver- Almond Champagne and Lemon Bundt Cake


The Shiksa in the Kitchen- Chicken Catch Me


Love Veggies and Yoga is my new fave. I am trying to cook and eat a bit healthier and Averie sure is good inspiration. The woman is stunning and her cooking is equally as stunning as she is. She posts tons of sweets but balances it with a healthy lifestyle. She has some great tips and lots of fun posts on a variety of subjects. She is a wonderful photographer as well. So stop by and check out her blog. You will be reading it like a novel and will find yourself still in your jammies at dinnertime wondering where the day went. You'll also be inspired to know you can love baking and still be a stone cold fox. Cool right! Who Knew?!


The winner of the giveaway for one subscription to Bon Appetit magazine is Kristen Roth. She blogs at Forkful of Comfort which is new to me. So added bonus of finding a new blog to read.  Winning entry was #98.


Guest post with someone super special!

More Turtle madness!

Pizza that will blow your mind!

Toodles and smoochies. xx


  1. I love your roundups and blog links as always. :) Congrats to the winner of Bon Apetit! Have a great Wednesday. :)

  2. Wow you have a lot going on. I just stopped by to say hi after reading your post on Ann's site "Cooking Healthy For Me". So nice to meet you. Looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future. Have a great day. Happy Cooking!

    1. Always a busy bee, but I love it. Nice to meet you too. I adore Ann!

  3. Hubby has IBS pretty bad as well (he's actually passed out a couple of times). Much as I hate to say the word, have they looked into the possibility of crohns? It is in the same family as IBS after all.

    Yup, congrats to the magazine winner. :)

    1. Aw poor hubby. It is wicked painful, most people don't realize how much pain we get daily. There's a drug that helps with that if he wants to know more about it I can dig up the info and shoot you an email. I was diagnosed 17 years ago but think I've had it my whole life. I've had 7 colonoscopies so it's never progressed to anything thus far. I am due to go back again. They keep a close eye due to it's severity and we have colon cancer in the family. All of my siblings have gastro issues as well, as did my mom. So it definitely runs in families. Mini-me suffers mildly from it. I get really bad when I am stressed out. So my goal is life is to mellow. Lol!

  4. You always have the best round ups! I love to click them and drool :)

    1. Thanks and Lol! I should install a click here to drool button.

  5. You've been one busy bee, Kim Bee! Thank you so much for adding It's Yummilicious to your reading list. You do realize that I've had a crazy girl crush on you for several months now, right? You're like the ultra adorable, smart, talented, funny-as-heck sister that I always wanted. Love you to pieces, girlfriend! <3

    1. It's cool. I get girl crushes all the time. Lol. I shall be your adopted sister from another mister. You can nickname me Spaz. You too. The love, not the spaz. xx

  6. Hey Kim, I agree with Jackie, you do always have the best round ups! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love that story! James Earl Jones came to speak at my college freshman year. I was so excited to go hear him talk! Great line up as always!!
    I have a giveaway going on you might be interested in.

    1. He is so cool. I just stare at my doctor sometimes and it gets all weird and uncomfortable. He thinks I'm kidding but totally crushing on the dude. James is the bomb, I could listen to him talk all day long.

      I shall zip by today. I set aside 4 hours to catch up with everyone today. Yeah!

  8. That allergy testing sounds miserable--but at least you're not allergic to anything!

    1. It was actually hilarious. I wish I could have video'd me sitting there with one arm picked to death and going red, one arm with an ice pack resting on it and big bag hanging off my shoulder. I looked like a total doofus. Yeah for medical miracles. I thought for sure I would be allergic to all the animals.

  9. Thanks for the link love, Kim Bee. (Or should we say Darth Vader Lady?)

    1. *giggles* You're welcome. I am sending Adam pics tomorrow. This week got weird with my foot injury or whatever the heck it is. I've been slacking due to pain and hobbling.xx

  10. So many links, so little time. I wish I could clone myself ....five to act as slaves for each of my children and three to sit at each of the computers in the house to visit blogs and a few others just to cook and clean and have fun.

    1. I know right. I wish there were more hours in the day. I don't know how you do it with 5 munchkins. I only have 2 and they wear me out. Of course the 5 birds, 3 cats, puppy and horse don't help. And now the stray cat has adopted us. No wonder I never have any free time. I need less pets. Lol. I am so excited to meet you. The countdown is on. I'm warning you now, I look nothing like Angelina Jolie, just putting that out there.

  11. Ugh... sorry that you have to go through all those tests! Hope it's sorted out soon! Hugs.. and this is an awesome post with so many fantastic bloggers I must now visit! Thanks :) And congrats to the winner of the giveaway! :)

    1. Tis okay, I am so used to medical stuff I barely notice it. I love these round ups. So much fun.

  12. What a great list you have here, I have already seen a few of these but will need to catch the others :)
    Wishing you a great weekend...and so glad you are allergy free :)

  13. I'm torn between glad you don't have allergies and sad that you don't because at least then you'd KNOW.

    As for the links... I will commence to drooling now :-D

    Last... said in full voice...

    "Kim, you are my twin!"

    Have a great night, Darth :-)

  14. I'm sorry they didn't find that they could treat that something! And you are probably the only one who can make IBS so amusing...when I know it isn't! Thanks for featuring our mutual post...and all your teasers. I'm thinking I need to make pizza but have to wait for yours :) Have a great weekend!!! xx (didn't know you didn't do hugs...LOL).

  15. Now all the stuff I need to read is one place ;) Great post!

  16. Great roundup, I always look forward to your links. Thanks! A. :)

  17. Great links! I hope you are enjoying your weekend!


I love hearing from you folks! Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, request, whatever your little heart desires! xx