
Monday, February 6, 2012

Maple Glazed Nuts for SRC

Hi folks. I am part of a group called Secret Recipe Club. Once a month we are all assigned another blog that we visit and pick a recipe from to cook and blog about. Then on a set date every month we share that recipe with our readers. It's a great way to inspire community and promote other bloggers. I love participating in this group. It's a real treat to poke around another person's recipes and see what kinds of things they make and learn more about them.

This month I was assigned This Chick Cooks and oh my goodness does she ever. She has such a wide array of recipes to choose from. Her blog is healthy which is a far cry from my own most days. I had oodles of fun looking around trying to decide what to make. I wanted to make her cheesecake bites but it was too similar to something else I am posting soon. I then wandered over to these nuts and was mesmerized. But I kept searching. Then I saw healthy brownies which intrigued me. When I tried the link it took me to the nuts. Which I took as a sign I was really suppose to make the nuts. So when faced with destiny or kismet I tend to follow along. So I made nuts and goodness gracious they are yummy. They are also super easy. It took about 5 minutes. Which made me feel a little odd, sort of slacker like. I somehow feel like I am cheating by not making something complex and time consuming. Somehow I'll get over it while I sit on the couch eating all these delicious nuts. Oh the agony I'm in. Oh the guilt. Oh the *crunching and yummy noises get louder*, who I am kidding, this is awesome. 5 minutes to make a great snack, who knew?! This Chick Cooks I am now a devoted fan. Bring on the healthy, yummy, addictive snacks. They're still healthy if you eat 10 pounds of them right??



You sure...

Ya, I don't even care. *nom, nom, nom*

Maple Glazed Nuts:

Source: This Chick Cooks which was adapted from Ellie Krieger


2 cups pecans
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon sea salt


Put your maple syrup, cinnamon and sea salt in a bowl and stir until well combined.

Place your pecans in a frying pan over medium heat and pour in the syrup mixture.

Cook while stirring for about 3 to 5 minutes.

The mixture will start to caramelize and stick to the nuts and the spoon. Then you know it's done.

Transfer to a parchment lined pan and let cool.

Remove and serve with a smile.

Er, did I leave the tag plastic on? Why yes, yes I did. I may leave it on all my stuff in the future. Make it "my thing".  Er, kidding.

A word of caution or Lunatic advice if you will, do not double the coating. I have this idea that when it comes to sweet stuff that I should always double it. Don't be tempted to. I did and this turned out like candy apple coating. Just a bit too thick. Sometimes less is more, or less is less, or something is more or less. I am so confused now. Okay so just do not double the sugary goodness. It is better with less. Just eat more nuts. Or something like that.

Also, inspect all props before using them. Just sayin'!

Thank you to This Chick Cooks for being such a great inspiration. Your blog rocks. Go visit her folks, you will not be disappointed.

Toodles and smoochies. xx


  1. Great Valentine post, with red placemat. I love red!

    1. Lol, I wasn't even thinking V-Day. My blog room is burgandy so I have tons of stuff in that color. But now that you mentioned I should have put some hearts or something nearby. Lol!

  2. Interesting! I love candied nuts, though German style candied nuts look quite different. Maple should be subtler and work well, though. My mom would die for these, I think.

    1. I kind of went nuts on the drizzle. I should have backed off a bit. They turned out like candy apples. Luckily I like candy apples. lol

  3. These look super tasty! This sounds like a fun club to be in. I'll poke around her site and see what she's got now. :)

    1. Thanks.She has a great site. I was really impressed with her. She has tons of healthy options. And well put together too.

  4. yum! i've made a recipe very similar to these before, and they are great.

    1. I had never had them before so now I'm like an addict already. I want more.

  5. Kinda reminds me of your Turtle addiction! Can I slather these in chocolate :)

    1. I know right. Maybe that's why I was so drawn to them. Lol. I say slather away.

  6. What a delicious looking recipe. I know I would eat them all! Come visit us. We have a terrific casserole today.

  7. You did get a great blog, Kim! And slacker recipes are our favorites! More of a chance I'll actually get around to making these little devils. LOL, I probably would have tried double the glaze, too...I knew we were soul sisters :)

    1. I know right. I lucked out in the blog department. Hers is amazing. I was feeling all kinds of weird doing an easy recipe but they were just whispering my name for days. I like your style. Soul sistahs forever.

  8. Oooh yum! Such a great pick! These look amazing - the perfect cocktail (or any time) snack!

    1. Thanks Katherine. They were the perfect "eat them while you shoot photos" snack today. Lol.

  9. Not only do those look like one yummy snack, but I bet they'd be the perfect touch to add into cookies or on top of a cake (or even doughnuts).

    1. Thanks so much Lisa. I never even thought of that but that would be incredible.

  10. If I made those pecans.. they would be gone in 2 seconds flat. YUM!

  11. That's hilarious! I've gone to edit photos many a time and realized I left something strange sitting in the corner and didn't even notice because I was so focused on the food! Great choice - these sound crazy addicting!

    1. I sweat I need to tether the darn thing. But I like to show people we're all imperfect. These little nuts were so easy but so yummy.

  12. Those nuts look seriously dangerous. Your food often leads me to picture myself doing strange curling up around the bowl of nuts, hovering over them and whispering quotes from epic movies.

    1. So you now know how I spend my free time. My secret is out. It's spreading like wildfire. Lol!

  13. Glazed nuts are totally my kryptonite... once I start eating, I just can't stop until the whole batch is gone. No lie.
    I bet these would be spectacular on a dish of really good vanilla ice cream, or in a goat cheese and spinach salad. Or, y'know, just straight up right out of the jar. :)

    1. I am so glad you like these. Always happy to have you stop by. I have to say these were wildly addictive. I would go nutty if they were in ice cream.

  14. WOW these look amazing! Love anything with maple syrup!

    1. Thanks. Me too. Being a Canuck I think it's in our blood or something.

  15. Thank you so much for your sweet words about my blog. You have such a great writing style and your blog is really enjoyable to read.
    I'm glad you liked the nuts and thanks for bringing the broken link to my attention. HAve a great day, Kim!

    1. Hi Katie. I am so happy you stopped by. I wanted to email you so badly about that link yesterday but didn't want to tip you off who had your blog. Your site is amazing, I had a blast looking around. I am going to make those cheesecake bites as well. They look so scrumptious. And thank you as well for being so kind. I am so happy to meet you.

  16. Ohhh these are pretty!! Honestly, sugared nuts are a drug in my home. But I can't help but want to dive into a bowl of these - - and maple syrup, you're kidding me right? - - this recipe was made for me ;)

    1. Thanks so much. I was so happy to get a blog with such a great array of recipes to choose from. I love maple syrup as well.

  17. It is fitting that you would make nuts :-D Though that may be seen as cannibalism by many. So as your twin it is my job to save you from that dire fate by absconding with all the nuts. So hand them over and I won't make you drink Coke!

    1. Roflmao Janet. I can't stop laughing. Funniest comment ever.

  18. Yummy! I think my favorite way to eat nuts is sugared/glazed... So far, I've only tried making honey-roasted, but I must try this too! They look so pretty, too! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks, they sure are gorgeous. I just stare at the shiny surface.

  19. These look so delicious. I love glazed nuts. Happy Monday!

  20. These look fantastic, I bet they would be a great salad topping. If I didn't eat them all first!

  21. What a unique glazed nuts recipe! I've made these with an egg white and cinnamon sugar coating, but never maple syrup. Looks delicious :)

    1. Thanks so much. I was so thrilled when I saw them on Katie's site. She really blew me away with this one.

  22. Dear Kim, Please send a huge bag of these my way. K, thanks!

  23. The shine on those nuts is amazing! I bet they taste just as delicious as they look!

    1. I know right. They just sort of glow. I was so impressed with this recipe. Thanks so much for visiting.

  24. I saw a couple of recipes for candied nuts and fruit and they were all soooo complicated. Yours is SOOO simple ;-). This will be my first candied nuts experiment!

    1. I think that is what appealed to me as well. I love simplicity some days.

  25. Wow, I didn't expect this to be completely naturally sweetened! What a great recipe!! I love your photos too-totally drool worthy. :)

    1. Thank you so much. It's a cool recipe. So happy with my blog assignment.

  26. Those look great! I love to give out espresso nuts as a gift, but I may have to add this to my nut-gift list :)

    1. Oh those sound good. Such a nice gift to receive.

  27. I enjoyed sweet glazed nuts, savory nuts, even crispy nuts. I could (and do) eat them nearly every day. Hubby is a big fan of maple syrup (me, not so much) and he'll love these.

    1. I probably eat nuts every day as well. But I tend to like mine plain. I eat pistachios almost every day. Love cashews, and hazelnuts too. I actually do not think there is a nut I don't like. Lol!

  28. i think the way they look just says everything, right?

  29. I feel the same way when I make something with a simple recipe, but heck, this one is proof that it's a good thing they get made because those nuts look amazing. I will be making them!

  30. They look wonderful!!! Love that they have maple on them!!!

  31. Soooo yummy! Love the glaze. I am such a sucker for cashews tho - I'd prob glaze those instead.

    1. Thanks. Cashews would be lovely glazed. I had to restrain myself from trying to grab the pistachio jar. Lol!

  32. Loving this recipe - healthier than anything I can do with maple syrup and still as good in taste :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Lol, I live in the land of Maple Syrup. Canucks have it in their veins I think. Love finding good uses for it.

  33. These look like the ultimate snack! Great pick, I will have to try these soon :-)

  34. These look very yummy! I often do the "double" thing too, if a little is good a lot must be better, right? I enjoyed making your stuffed portabellas this month-thanks for a great recipe Kim!

    1. My thinking exactly! I am so pleased you liked the recipe. And I have to say the timing is so funny since I was preparing a Hawaiian dish this week and pulled out all our honeymoon souvenirs for the photo shoot. I have Hawaii on the brain lately. I really hope to get back there, perhaps next year. I promised my daughter a trip there since she has a Hawaiian name.

  35. I didn't think you could make nuts better, but you can. This looks fantastic. I would eat ALL of them!!!

  36. I love glazed nuts! If only they were as healthy as unglazed nuts!

  37. I think my older son would scarf up the whole batch! But hey, he's a college student...nuts are better for you than ramen! I'll have to make him some for a care package :)

  38. These are so perfectly simple and delicious. I hope I have some left for the apple salad tonight. Or, I guess I could just make some more. Love these.


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