
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Hi folks. So here's the thing. When planning to make a cake you must do these things:

Make sure you have all the ingredients needed!

Make sure you have all the tools needed!

Make sure you do it well in advance of when it is needed!


I did none of those things.

But look at this pretty cake!

This was part of the Crazy Cooking Challenge. Once a month we all make a recipe from another blog we pick ourselves. Then on a specified date we all post those recipes. It's always fun to participate in these kinds of things. This month it was chocolate cake so I think everyone was excited to make it. Life has been a bit more hectic here at the Bee household than normal so I got to this really late. When someone is sick everything that is planned tends to go to hell in a handbasket. When it's your kid it goes to hell in a handbasket and that handbasket gets tossed over a cliff. Just the way it is.

I chose to use La Mia Vita Dolce to use as inspiration. Such a gorgeous blog and beautiful food. I knew I wanted to do red velvet cake so when I saw the Red Velvet Cake there I knew it was what I was doing. I made a couple of changes, more due to time than anything else. The cake is the same but we don't like cream cheese frosting here so I opted to use the Fluffy Vanilla Frosting instead. I did make the raspberry filling but time did not allow for me to use it. So I can just use it on something else.

Red Velvet Cake with Fluffy Vanilla Frosting:

Source: La Mia Vita Dolce: Red Velvet Cake  and Fluffy Vanilla Frosting

Ingredients for Cake:

3 tablespoons cocoa
2 and 1/2 cups cake flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 and 1/2 cups caster (superfine) sugar
1 and 1/2 cups walnut oil
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons red food coloring (I used the gel type)
1 cup buttermilk ( I did not have any so I took 1 cup of milk and added 1 3/4 teaspoons of cream of tartar)
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda
2 teaspoons white vinegar

Directions for Cake:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Butter, grease or spray your pan/pans with non stick spray.

Sift flour, cocoa and salt into a medium bowl. Whisk until combined.

In a mixer whisk sugar and oil until well combined.

Add your eggs one at a time and whisk in between each addition.

Add your vanilla and food coloring and mix again.

Add the flour mixture and the buttermilk to the mixer alternating between them.

In a small bowl add your vinegar and baking soda together. Let it bubble and then stir it and add it to the mixer. Whisk for 10 seconds.

Pour the batter into whatever pans you want to use. I chose bundt.

Place in oven and bake for 25 to 35 minutes.

Remove and let cool.

Ingredients for Frosting:

1 cup and 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 cups confectioners (icing/powdered) sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
(I also added about 2 tablespoons of milk to loosen it up a bit more)

Directions for Frosting:

In a mixer blend you butter till soft and smooth.

Add sugar a little at a time and keep adding and mixing till it is fluffy.

Add vanilla and mix again.

If icing is too thick add some milk to it.

Putting the Cake Together:

Place you cake on a plate.

Do a crumb coat of frosting first. This is just a light layer of icing to cover the cake to prevent crumbs. Let it stand for awhile to set. I let mine sit for about 30 minutes.

Now frost the cake entirely.

I took a fork and dragged it around the cake to make a pattern. You don't need to, I was just playing around.

Add some sprinkles. I used white sparkly ones.

Slice and serve with a smile.

Make sure you stop by all the other lovely blogs who did recipes this month. Lots of yumminess out there today.

If interested in participating in the Crazy Cooking Challenge feel free to get ahold of Tina at Mom's Crazy Cooking.

Toodles and smoochies.xx



  1. My hat is off to you, Kim! I am so intimidated to bake, don't know why, maybe because I have to follow the recipe and have all the ingredients?! I bake a few times a year, mostly around the holidays. I am giving you 10 out of 5 for this cake. Beautiful masterpiece.

    1. Thanks Marina. My son always says I am a better cook than a baker. I think because with cooking you can just wing it more. Baking is so precise you have to be fully prepared. Which typically I am not. Lol.

  2. Red velvet, one of my favorites!! So yummy. Give me cream cheese frosting with mine. So good. <3

    1. Thanks Tori. The last time I made red velvet I forgot we aren't all fans of cream cheese and I was giving up cupcakes to random people for days. Lol!

  3. Your cake looks so delicious. Yummy!

  4. all of these cakes look sooo amazing. Now I'm craving cake. Serves me right for surfing blogs when I should be working. This looks delish.

  5. Great minds think alike Kim - I'm doing a (low carb) red velvet cake this week too! If I only I could eat the classic though I'd be baking your version! It looks soooo good! Nom nom nom!!!!

    1. I must check that out. I am now curious how one makes a low carb version. I think the red velvet is just so classic. I love making it.

  6. Yum! This looks fabulous Kim! I love that it's a vanilla frosting rather than your usual cream cheese frosting.

    1. Thank you so much. I prefer a plain frosting on mine for sure. I like it light and fluffy.

  7. Oh this looks good! Im getting hungry now at work, might have to go get a cupcake... LOL

    1. Thanks. You should, cupcakes make the work day shorter. It's a total fact. Or it feels like it anyway.

  8. I only did one time a red velvet and it was in a cupcake. I had a very hard time with the food coloring, it's hard to have that beatiful dark red. So, never try again, and never try in a cake, but after seen your, I want to try again...

    1. I have done them before too and it can be super hard to get a good color. Here is the trick, use gel coloring instead of that runny kind. It just holds up better. Some people say to mix it in with the cocoa and it stays truer. I've also heard to mix a touch of black in it but I was too afraid it would be too dark. I may play around more. But the gel colors are outstanding. SO much better.

  9. Mmmmmmm. Looks amazing :) Looks better than anything I would have baked even with amazing preparation.

    1. Aw thanks. I really should know better than to throw it together at the last second. Not bad for a quick cake though.

  10. Oh my favorite! I am obsessed with all things red velvet and with all of the things that you weren't prepared for it looks delicious! I've never tried it with anything but a cream cheese frosting, might have to use this recipe next time!

    1. Thank you so much. We all find cream cheese to thick and heavy. I like it now and again but for the most part I like a classic buttercream.

  11. Looks great Kim I knew you could do it. Red Velvet will be the next cake I try.

    1. Thanks. It really is so classic. Just makes me smile to see the red. I am determined to master the perfect red.

  12. This looks delicious! Love red velvet. I often start baking something and realize I don't have all of the ingredients!

    1. Thanks. I think it's that we get too excited or something. I need to start remembering to do mise en place so I am sure I have everything. You'd think I'd learn. Lol!

  13. Been waiting to see a red velvet cake. I made my first one awhile ago and loved it. Its made with brown sugar and not white. Then I made some whoppie pies red velvet and used white sugar, I prefer the brown sugar. Nice choice very pretty andi

    1. I'll have to try it with brown sugar. I love most things better with brown sugar. I also like most things better with vanilla brown sugar. Just takes it over the top.

  14. Very pretty cake! I make a lot of red velvet cakes and I've never heard of doing one with raspberry filling...I'll have to check that out! (Visiting from the CCC...I'm #60)

    1. Thanks. Hers was super pretty but lots of sieving involved which I did not have time for. Was in a rush.

  15. Gorgeous cake, Kim! I adore red velvet! And this one looks so yummy with that fluffy frosting.. The raspberry filling would have been great with it right? Can't wait to see what you do with it! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks. I just like a nice light frosting. I find cream cheese a bit too thick for me.

  16. Hi Kim- Love this challenge and your cale turned out just divine! So moist and tempting me wishing I could have a slice:)

    1. Thank you. I was quite happy with this cake. You kind of never know when you try a new one. This was quality cake.

  17. Red velvet is the cake of pleasure!! Looks awesome..

  18. One of the reasons I don't bake much is because I will get all excited to make something and then not have all of the ingredients. I thought I was the only one who did that! But the cake looks great, perfect for valentines's day!

    1. Lol, nope I do it too. I need to start planning a day ahead.

  19. Love the idea of raspberry in there and the frosting is just so much like the view we have of the snow outside Paris just now! What a roundup, too! That is a lot of cakes :-)

    1. Thanks Jill. Oh how pretty. Man I need to come visit you.

  20. FABULOUS cake!!! And what a wonderful icing are so creative :) And who forgot to invite me to this chocolate cake party????? LOL...

    1. Thanks Liz. I honestly had to get creative as it was looking a bit dull. I want to buy one of those fancy edging things but it'll have to wait. I know right, you should be at all cake parties.

  21. the cake looks delicious! I love your list at the beginning-I frequently never check to make sure I have all my ingredients only to realize midway that I NEED cream of tartar RIGHT this very second lol nice job :)

    1. Thanks so much. I am so guilty of not having ingredients. I did not have buttermilk, I rarely do. Luckily most things have substitutions or I'd be a goner.

  22. That cake looks sinfully good!! Yummy in my Tummy for sure! :) I like your change with the frosting.. I would eat both versions. :) I have an award for you at my blog today.. hope you enjoy. ~ Ramona

    1. Thanks Ramona. I tend to like light frostings. I'll eat a cream cheese one if push comes to shove but it's not my first choice. Oh how sweet, I shall be stopping by this afternoon to take a peek.

  23. well Kim, I only could say that you got talent of cooking and baking from the nature. if I were you that Red Velvet cake will not turn out fabulous like yours


  24. Your cake looks great! I've never had red velvet with raspberry filling before, but I bet I would like it. So how did you end up using your rasberry filling?

    1. Thank you so much. I still have to use the raspberry up. Dreaming up ideas.

  25. I am drooling over all of the chocolate cake recipes. I do love me some red velvet cake though. Great idea with the bundt pan - all the more frosting. :)

  26. Oh boy, you had me at "Red Velvet"! Beautiful Cake!

  27. Hi Kim, I've never made a red velvet cake, but your post has definitely made me want to give this the old college try. The cake looks delish so I'm going for it, no matter what.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Hi Joanne. It is intimidating but once you try you'll wonder why you waited so long. Let me know how it turns out. Gel coloring is far superior.

  28. That's a gorgeous Red Velvet Cake, Kim. And Grace's blog really is astonishingly amazing, isn't it??? Love her, she's a sweetie too.

    1. Thanks Carolyn. She has the most amazing blog. Such gorgeous treats and seems so down to earth.

  29. Red velvet is my favorite cake. Ever. I hope you saved me a big piece!!

    1. Huge, absolutely huge piece. Just sitting here waiting for you.

  30. your intro sounds just like me! I have never used walnut oil before - love your cake :)

    1. I love walnut oil. It is pricey though. But I was out of all my normal oils so had to go to the next best thing.

  31. I cannot comment using my wordpress ID! Your intro sounds just like me. I have never used walnut oil before - great cake :)

    1. Oh that is so weird. Wonder what glitchy thing is going on. So sorry you had trouble.

  32. I love red velvet cake but have never actually made one - looks amazing!

  33. Hi Kim Bee,
    Oh my goodness the cake is awesome and the frosting, oh, I need a slice of this cake. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  34. Looks gorgeous and I love the frosting too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  35. Dang, I am going through these cakes in order and I had to wait until #70 to get to yours. If I could, I would love a big slice of that cake. It looks wonderful....can't wait to see where the raspberry sauce ends up.

  36. So pretty! And just in time for Valentine's Day. I've never tried a Red Velvet. Thanks for visiting at A House and Yard.

  37. Red Velvet is my brother's favorite cake and such a classic that you can't go wrong :)

  38. So love red velvet cake, it looks awesome. Yeah I am always running late on challenges too. You should add this one to the #chocolatelove blog hop, it is on all month.

  39. So love red velvet cake, it looks awesome. Yeah I am always running late on challenges too. You should add this one to the #chocolatelove blog hop, it is on all month.

  40. I love red velvet cake, this looks so delicious!

  41. This is a very nice looking cake! I like the way you put the frosting on.

    Jen #79


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